Cyd Ho Sau-lan

Political Prisoner

Cyd Ho Sau-lan 何秀蘭 (66)

Founding member and former Vice-Chairperson, Labour Party, Trustee of 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund

*Currently in jail. A total of 14 months imprisonment.

Cyd Ho was a founding member of the Labour Party and formerly served as its Vice-Chairperson. She also served as a member of Hong Kong’s Legislative Council from 1998 to 2004 and 2008 to 2016. (Photo: VOA Cantonese)

Charges, incidents & sentences:

  • Charge: Organizing and participating in an unauthorised assembly

    Incident: Causeway Bay March on 18 August 2019

    Sentencing: 8 months imprisonment (HKFP)

  • Charge: Organizing an unauthorised assembly

    Incident: Protest on Hong Kong Island on 1 October 2019

    Sentencing: 14 months imprisonment (HKFP)

  • Charge: Knowingly participating in an unauthorised assembly

    Incident: June 4th Candlelight Vigil on 4 June 2020

    Sentencing: 6 months imprisonment (HKFP)

  • Charge: Organising and inciting others to take part in an unauthorised assembly

    Incident: Demonstration on 20 October 2020

    Sentencing: 14 months imprisonment (HKFP)

Jim Wong