We are taking your safety very seriously. As a UK registered charity, Hong Kong Watch operates in compliance with the laws and regulations of the UK. Our activities are not subject to the laws and regulations of any other jurisdictions.
You can donate to us anonymously, and we only request the details needed to process your donation. For more information on this please refer to our Privacy Policy, specifically section 7.
However, if you are a UK taxpayer and would like to make a Gift Aid declaration, please do provide your full name and UK home address (at least your house number or name and postcode). This is at your discretion.
If you donate to us via Stripe – i.e. by card, Apple Pay or Google Pay – using Donorbox, your bank statement will not show our organisation name as the recipient, but just ‘Donorbox’. In this way, your bank account will not be associated with us. You can read more about the security measures taken by Stripe here.
If you donate in cryptocurrency or for US tax relief using Every.org, your donation is made to Every.org and our organisation name will not be included in your billing statement. You can learn more about the privacy and security practices of Every.org here.
For greater security and privacy, we recommend using Proton Mail to receive receipts and information. If you do not wish to receive information from us, you can opt out or provide a temporary and disposable email address.
Any data we hold on our supporters is held securely outside of Hong Kong and China. For more information on data processing and storage, see section 8 of our Privacy Policy.
Hong Kong Watch is regulated by the UK government through the Charity Commission. Our page can be found here, which also includes our annual reports.
Donor benefits
Hong Kong was the frontline in the fight for freedom, but not the last frontier.
Your donation to Hong Kong Watch will help us continue our fight against human rights violations and the dismantling of freedoms in Hong Kong, through mobilising the free world to stand in solidarity with Hong Kong and advocating for real policy changes. We are spearheading a number of international campaigns, including Free Political Prisoners, BNO, MPF, International Lifeboat, Business and Human Rights, Special Privileges, Sanctions, EU-China, United Nations, and Civic and Political Education.
Through our in-depth research projects we monitor the deteriorating situation in Hong Kong and publish ground-breaking reports to help keep Parliamentarians, policy-makers, the media, academics, businesses and other Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) informed and updated. We conduct advocacy work with Parliamentarians and policy-makers in London, Washington, DC, Ottawa, Berlin, in the European Union (EU) institutions in Brussels, at the United Nations in Geneva and in other capitals around the world.
We have made many substantial achievements around the world since our launch in 2017, thanks to the generous support of our individual donors. Read more about our achievements and impact in our Annual Reports.
Hong Kong Watch is a registered charity in England and Wales (Registered Charity No.: 1180013) and it is entirely independent and not-for-profit. Our team relies on your support to fund our vital work for Hong Kong.
Donate crypto
We accept a number of cryptocurrencies. You can find more information and make a donation by clicking the button below.
Donate for US tax relief
If you are a US taxpayer and would like to make a tax-deductible donation, you can do so by clicking the button below.
Donate in general
You can donate to us by card, Apple Pay, Google Pay or BACS Direct Debit by completing the donation form below. If you are a UK taxpayer and would like to Gift Aid your donation, please tick the appropriate box on the form.
Other ways to support us
By Cheque
Send a cheque payable to ‘Hong Kong Watch’ to: Hong Kong Watch, Unit 51315, PO Box 6945, London, W1A 6US
Leave a Gift in Your Will
Help the fight for freedoms and human rights for future generations by leaving a legacy gift to Hong Kong Watch in your Will. Find out more about how to leave a gift in your will on Remember a Charity website.
Payroll Giving
Donating to us tax-free directly through your salary, Payroll Giving, is the most tax-efficient way to give. Find out more about Payroll Giving in the UK on Payroll Giving in Action or Charities Aid Foundation. (We are not affiliated with these organisations.)