Canadian federal election to take place on 28 April
The Canadian federal election is set to take place on 28 April, following the dissolution of Parliament. The federal election includes 343 district elections across Canada, with the party with the most candidates winning seats forming the government. You can find your electoral district here.
In anticipation of the federal election, Vote for Hong Kong (Vote4HK) Canada published a briefing on the priorities of Hong Kongers in Canada for the upcoming federal election. This follows four months of research and analysis into the policy priorities of the Hong Kong community in Canada.
The top three issues identified by survey respondents include:
Waiting time for visa or permanent residency approval (72%)
Cost of living (40.6%)
Employment opportunities for oneself or family members (27%)
The top three policy priorities identified by survey respondents include:
Expediting the processing of permanent residency applications (84.3%)
Combating community crimes (74.2%)
Combating the overseas surveillance, harassment, or intimidation of dissidents by the People’s Republic of China and Hong Kong governments (65.6%)
The briefing also includes analysis into how the Hong Konger population is dispersed throughout the provinces and territories of Canada and identifies federal electoral districts with significant Hong Konger populations that could determine the outcome of the federal election.
We would like to thank the Hong Kong Watch volunteers across Canada whose efforts made this project possible.
The Vote4HK Canada initiative is inspired by Vote4HK UK, with whom Hong Kong Watch has collaborated to encourage British National (Overseas) Hong Kongers to meet with their local candidates and learn about the different political parties leading up to the 2024 UK general election. At the encouragement of Vote4HK UK, Hong Kong Watch undertook a similar initiative in Canada to engage the Hong Kong diaspora in understanding and participating in the Canadian political landscape.
加拿大聯邦大選4月28日舉行 Vote4HK Canada簡報揭示在加港人最關心移民問題
為迎接聯邦大選,「Vote4HK Canada」早前發表簡報,主題為加拿大港人的聯邦大選關注焦點。之前「Vote4HK Canada」團隊就加拿大港人社群重點關注的政策,展開了四個月研究和分析。
等待審批簽證或永久居留的時間 (72%)
生活成本 (40.6%)
自己或家人的就業機會 (27%)
加快處理永久居留申請 (84.3%)
打擊社區罪案 (74.2%)
打擊中國及香港政府海外監視、騷擾或恐嚇異見人士的行為 (65.6%)
「Vote4HK Canada」倡議受到「Vote4HK UK」啟發。香港監察在2024年英國大選前與他們合作,鼓勵BNO港人與所屬選區候選人會面,了解不同政黨。在「Vote4HK UK」的鼓勵下,香港監察在加拿大推行類似倡議,讓離散港人社群理解並參與加拿大政治格局。