Hong Kong introduces new Cybersecurity Law, raising surveillance concerns
On 20 March, Hong Kong’s Legislative Council (LegCo) passed the Protection of Critical Infrastructures (Computer Systems) Bill into law, prompting concerns from human rights organisations and commercial entities about the broad investigative powers granted to the government under the new law.
As passed by the LegCo, the new law empowers the Hong Kong government to seek a court warrant to connect to computer systems, or install programs onto “critical infrastructure systems”. These systems include sectors such as information technology, financial services, and telecommunications and broadcasting services. Government systems are exempt.
The Security Bureau has insisted that the scope of the law will be limited to “critical infrastructure”, not small and medium enterprises (SMEs) or the general public. However, the potential application is still broad in scope, and the Secretary for Security has stated that the number of affected enterprises will not be made public.
Under the new law, the Security Bureau will also establish a Commissioner’s Office with the power to require private companies to provide unspecified “relevant information” if it suspects that an offence has occurred, without need for a warrant.
This means that internet service providers, media companies, and financial institutions could all be targeted by investigations and onerous compliance requests, granting the government new powers to restrict media freedom and increase surveillance via unrestricted access to private company data.
The law was passed one day after the first anniversary of the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance, a draconian national security law which contains broad definitions of cybersecurity and “state secrets”, further underlining the data privacy and security risks to organisations in Hong Kong.
Megan Khoo, Policy Director at Hong Kong Watch, said:
“Freedom of expression has been badly damaged by increasingly repressive legislation in Hong Kong since 2020. This law looks set to continue this trend.
Government bodies are exempt from reporting requirements, which is surely a significant weak point in a law ostensibly designed to protect critical infrastructure from cyber attacks. Instead, this looks like the Hong Kong government granting itself more powers to compel private companies to hand over sensitive data and further its ability to conduct surveillance and censorship.”
香港新推網絡安全法 引發監視憂慮
香港監察政策總監Megan Khoo表示: