Hong Kong Watch celebrates Lunar New Year banquet at HongKonger Community Center Toronto

Hong Kong Watch was delighted to join around 250 Hong Kongers, community leaders, business leaders, members of the media and distinguished guests for the Lunar New Year reception and banquet hosted by the HongKonger Community Centre Toronto on Saturday.

A cross-party group of eight politicians, including Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and Patron of Hong Kong Watch Melissa Lantsman MP, Mayor of Toronto Olivia Chow, Member of the Special Committee on Canada-China Relations Jean Yip MP, Member of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration Salma Zahid MP, Philip Lawrence MP, Arpan Khanna MP, Terry Dowdall MP, and City of Markham Councillor Andrew Keyes, joined us to celebrate the Year of the Snake with the Hong Kong diaspora in Canada. Their presence highlighted their support for the Hong Kong community in Canada.

Hong Kong Watch’s co-founder and Chair of Trustees Aileen Calverley hosted the event in her capacity as a Director of the HongKonger Community Centre Toronto. 

Noting that the Year of the Snake symbolizes transformation in their remarks, Melissa Lantsman MP, Arpan Khanna MP and Philip Lawrence MP encouraged the audience to strive for self-improvement and work towards the shared values of democracy and freedom. They gave red packets (lai see) to the guests and sent them wishes for the New Year. 

Specifically, Melissa Lantsman MP played a key role in the highly anticipated lucky draw, creating waves of excitement about the grand prize, a three-night trip for two to Yellowknife worth over $1,200.

Jean Yip MP wished the guests a happy Lunar New Year and addressed the delays in permanent residency approval and work permit rejections faced by many applicants for the Hong Kong Pathway lifeboat scheme. She committed to actively following up with affected applicants. 

During the event, representatives from the Hong Kong Young Professionals Association Canada (HKYPA) handed in a petition to Jean Yip MP and Salma Zahid MP and asked them to pass it on to Minister of Immigration Marc Miller in the hope that Hong Kongers’ permanent residency applications will be processed as soon as possible.

Mayor Olivia Chow warmly welcomed Hong Kong immigrants to Toronto and shared her own immigration experience. She recounted stories about her involvement in the community and politics, encouraging Hong Kongers to integrate into civil society, embrace new opportunities, contribute to the community, and to stay resilient in their endeavors. 

Following these remarks, a highlight of the evening was the Lion Dance performance. Mayor Olivia Chow and Aileen Calverley tied a bunch of lettuce, which sounds like “growing fortunate” in Cantonese, with a string to prepare the lion for performing “plucking the greens” (choi tsing), filling the room with festive atmosphere. 

In addition to speeches and performances, guests were treated to an unforgettable musical showcase by Connor Dunn and Joe Tay, whose performances captivated the audience.

This successful event was made possible by the dedicated efforts of the Directors of the HongKonger Community Centre Toronto and a team of 15 committed volunteers. We extend our congratulations to the Centre for organizing such a successful event and express our gratitude to all attending Parliamentarians for their unwavering support of the Hong Kong community in Canada.

香港監察參加多倫多香港人社區中心農曆新年晚宴  申請永居港人向國會議員遞交聯署信


八位跨黨派政界人士出席盛會,包括加拿大保守黨副黨魁兼香港監察贊助人Melissa Lantsman、多倫多市長鄒至蕙(Olivia Chow)、自由黨國會議員兼加中關係特別委員會委員葉嘉麗(Jean Yip)、國會議員兼公民及移民常務委員會委員Salma Zahid、保守黨國會議員Philip Lawrence、國會議員Arpan Khanna、國會議員Terry Dowdall,以及萬錦市議員Andrew Keyes,與加拿大離散港人一同慶祝蛇年。眾多政要到場祝賀,充分展示對加拿大港人社群的支持和重視。

香港監察共同創辦人兼信託董事會主席Aileen Calverley以多倫多香港人社區中心董事的身分協助社區中心邀請各政要出席盛會,並在活動當晚擔任主持。

保守黨副黨魁Melissa Lantsman、國會議員Arpan Khanna和Philip Lawrence在致辭時以蛇年象徵「蛻變」的精神,鼓勵大家自強不息,為共同的民主自由價值而努力。他們向來賓大派利是,並送上祝福「恭喜發財」、「新年快樂」。

Melissa Lantsman表示熱烈歡迎香港新移民,並大力支持香港人社區。她還擔任備受期待的幸運大抽獎嘉賓,抽出大獎幸運得主,獲得由「逍遙遊」贊助、價值1,200加元的雙人三晚黃刀鎮北極光團,將活動推向高潮。


席間,加拿大香港菁英協會(HKYPA)代表向葉嘉麗議員和移民委員會委員Salma Zahid遞交聯署信,請他們轉交給移民部長Marc Miller,期望儘快處理港人永居申請。


當晚重頭戲是舞獅表演,鄒至蕙市長和社區中心董事Aileen Calverley用繩子繫上寓意「生財」的生菜引領舞獅採青,將喜慶氣氛傳遍全場。

除了演講和舞獅表演外,結他手Connor Dunn和歌手鄭敬基(Joe Tay)傾情獻唱《光輝歲月》、《海闊天空》、《獅子山下》等多首香港金曲,觸動觀眾心弦。
