US extends and expands protections for Hong Kongers

Yesterday, the Biden administration announced that the United States government will extend and expand protections for Hong Kongers currently in the US, protecting them from deportation and providing them with the opportunity to obtain work permits. This will prevent the deportation of Hong Kongers from the US until February 5, 2027. 

Under this extension and expansion, Hong Kongers who were not present in the US two years ago – and thus excluded from the previous DED extension and expansion in 2023 – will now be eligible for the protections. This also covers those who were previously covered under the DED program.

The DED program was initially launched in August 2021 in support of the human rights and fundamental freedoms of the residents of Hong Kong. It recognised that the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) was undermining and eroding the rights and freedoms of Hong Kongers following the imposition of the National Security Law in June 2020. 

In yesterday’s announcement, the US government reiterated how “the PRC has undermined the enjoyment of rights and freedoms in Hong Kong, including those protected under the Basic Law and the Sino-British Joint Declaration.” The statement also cited the recent and unjust sentencing of 45 pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Watch welcomes this meaningful commitment by the US government to continue to support those fleeing the Chinese Communist Party’s escalating crackdown on civil liberties in Hong Kong. 

For Hong Kongers who arrive in the US after this expansion and are thus ineligible for DED status, alternative pathways are available in Canada. This includes Canada’s Hong Kong Pathway Open Work Permit Program for recent graduates from Hong Kong, providing another crucial option for those seeking refuge. The deadline to apply for the program is February 7, 2025. You can find more information here.

Megan Khoo, Policy Director of Hong Kong Watch, said:

“This significant step ensures that all eligible Hong Kongers seeking refuge in the US due to the ongoing and severe erosion of freedoms in Hong Kong are granted the support and security they need. It provides a lifeline for those who have been forced to leave their homeland due to political persecution and ensures that they are not left in limbo.

We are grateful to the Members of Congress, State Department, and civil society organizations that made this possible, and look forward to continued collaboration to make meaningful change for Hong Kongers in the US and those who remain in the city.”

美國延長及擴大「延遲強制離境」計劃 保護特定居美港人免被遣返

美國總統拜登昨天宣布,美國政府將延長及擴大為特定港人而設「延遲強制離境」(Deferred Enforced Departure, DED)計劃,保護居美港人免被遣返,並提供獲得工作許可的機會。計劃現延長至2027年2月5日。



香港監察政策總監Megan Khoo表示:



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