Hong Kong Watch announces Interim Director

The Board of Trustees of Hong Kong Watch is delighted to announce the appointment of Ed Simpson as Interim Director. During this transitional period, Ed will lead the organisation, providing strategic direction to advance our mission to defend human rights in Hong Kong.

Born and raised in Hong Kong, Ed brings a deep personal connection to the region alongside over 20 years of experience in the charity sector. He specialises in charity development, business support within the third sector, and leading the strategic growth of organisations.

Ed has served as Executive Director at The Harrow Club, a charity supporting at-risk youth in West London, and Managing Director at Peer Productions, a youth arts charity specialising in peer-to-peer education. As Founding Director of the Surrey Wellbeing Partnership, Ed led a collaborative initiative to improve mental health services for young people. Additionally, through his work as an executive coach, he has provided bespoke coaching and training to FTSE 100 companies and public-sector organisations.

With his extensive experience and commitment to Hong Kong, we welcome Ed, whom we believe will be a valuable asset to Hong Kong Watch.


香港監察信託董事會欣然宣布委任Ed Simpson為臨時總監。Ed在這個過渡期會領導香港監察,提供策略方向來推進我們捍衛香港人權的使命。


Ed曾擔任The Harrow Club(支援西倫敦邊緣青年的慈善機構)執行總監,以及Peer Productions(專門從事同儕教育的青年藝術慈善機構)董事總經理。Ed擔任Surrey Wellbeing Partnership創辦總監時,帶領了一項旨在改善年輕人心理健康服務的合作倡議。另外,他以行政教練的身分,為富時100指數公司和公營組織提供過度身訂造的指導和培訓。


NewsFrances Bell