First two convictions under Article 23 legislation: 14 and 10 months’ imprisonment for wearing and writing ‘seditious’ pro-democracy slogans

Today, the West Kowloon Magistrates’ Courts in Hong Kong issued the first sentencing under the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance (SNSO), known colloquially as ‘Article 23 legislation’. Chu Kai-pong, at 27 years of age, has been handed a 14-month jail sentence for wearing a “seditious” T-shirt for 25 minutes. 

Magistrate Victor So ruled that Mr Chu, in wearing a T-shirt with the slogan ‘Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times’, and a yellow mask with an acronym standing for ‘Five demands, not one less’, both phrases ​​associated with the 2019 pro-democracy movement, had intended to “stir up hatred” against the Hong Kong government. 

Mr Chu was arrested on 12 June and convicted on 16 September after he pleaded guilty to one count of “doing with a seditious intention an act or acts that had a seditious intention” under the SNSO.

The sentencing of Mr Chu was followed by that of 29-year-old Chung Man-kit, who was arrested on 23 June under the SNSO for “writing words with seditious intention on multiple occasions on the back of bus seats on different public buses in March and April”. Today he pleaded guilty for three counts of “doing with a seditious intention an act or acts that had a seditious intention,” and was sentenced to 10 months behind bars.

Under the SNSO, which was passed by the Hong Kong government in March 2024 and condemned around the world, sedition carries a maximum penalty of seven years in jail, or 10 years if the offender is found to have colluded with an “external force”. 

The sentence was handed down just ahead of Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee’s appearance at the British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong next week, where he is expected to deliver a keynote address at the ​​‘BritCham Hong Kong Summit 2024’ on economic opportunities for foreign businesses in Hong Kong, despite the severe threat posed to businesses by the SNSO.

Hong Kong Watch absolutely condemns both of these sentences, and urges the international community to issue targeted sanctions against the responsible Hong Kong officials.

Sarah Champion, Labour MP for Rotherham and Hong Kong Watch Patron, said:

“I’m deeply concerned that the British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong is inviting Chief Executive John Lee to extol the benefits of Hong Kong while his government throws individuals in jail for wearing ‘seditious’ T-shirts. 

The Chamber should urgently reconsider inviting John Lee to speak at their BritCham Summit next week. Things are far from ‘business as usual’ in Hong Kong, as this sentencing shows, and the Chamber should not offer Lee a platform to justify his draconian crackdown in the name of securing Hong Kong’s prosperity.”

23條下穿「煽動」上衣被判監14個月、寫「煽動」字句被判監10個月 香港監察促國際社會制裁涉事港官

香港法院今日就首宗涉《維護國家安全條例》(俗稱23條)下新煽動罪的案件判刑。一名27歲男子因今年6月12日身穿印有「光復香港 時代革命」的上衣及配戴印有「F.D.N.O.L」(「五大訴求 缺一不可」口號英文縮寫)的黃色口罩,被控「出於煽動意圖作出一項或多項具煽動意圖的作為」罪。他承認控罪,被判監14個月。


判決在香港行政長官李家超下週出席香港英商會(British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong)活動前頒下,預計他將在『2024年英商會香港峰會』(BritCham Hong Kong Summit 2024)上就外商在香港的經濟機遇發表主題演講,而不顧23條對企業構成的嚴重威脅。


香港監察贊助人、Rotherham選區工黨國會議員柴萍恩(Sarah Champion MP)表示:

