A guide: How the European Parliament and other EU Institutions should approach Hong Kong

Today, Hong Kong Watch is publishing a new briefing, offering an ‘EU Policy Roadmap on Hong Kong’

With Hong Kong Watch preparing to visit Brussels for the second time since the European Parliament began its new mandate in July, this briefing is intended to serve as a policy roadmap on Hong Kong, including background on the situation in Hong Kong as well as the previous work of Hong Kong Watch and providing an overview of how the European Parliament and other EU Institutions have responded to key developments in Hong Kong since 2019. 

The briefing also includes Hong Kong Watch’s key policy asks for the European Parliament and other EU Institutions to continue to respond to the deteriorating human rights situation in Hong Kong by:

  • Increasing debate about EU-China relations and business and human rights

  • Reviewing the status of Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices in the EU

  • Requiring EU member states to suspend extradition treaties with the HKSAR and PRC

  • Imposing sanctions on HKSAR and PRC officials

In addition to these key policy asks, it is crucial that the European Parliament and other EU Institutions continue to monitor and respond to the situation in Hong Kong following the March 2024 passage of the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance which furthers the threat posed by the 2020 National Security Law. The most basic rights and freedoms continue to deteriorate in the city. 

Miriam Lexmann MEP,  Patron of Hong Kong Watch and Co-Chair of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC), said:

“I have already been encouraged by the number of my colleagues in the new Parliament that are interested in defending the rights and freedoms of the people of Hong Kong. Especially after the passage of the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance in March, it is crucial that Hong Kong remains on the agenda in the European Parliament to curtail the People’s Republic of China’s efforts to strip away what remains of the city’s freedoms. I hope my colleagues will swiftly consider this policy roadmap which serves as a robust and needed starting point for setting the EU’s agenda on Hong Kong.”

香港監察發表歐港政策路線圖 要求歐洲議會及其他歐盟機構應對香港人權每況愈下

香港監察今天發表新簡報《歐盟對港政策路線圖》(EU Policy Roadmap on Hong Kong)。



  • 増加針對歐中關係、商業與人權的辯論

  • 審視在歐盟香港經濟貿易辦事處的地位

  • 要求歐盟成員國中止與香港和中國的引渡條約

  • 向香港和中國官員施行制裁


香港監察贊助人、對華政策跨國議會聯盟(IPAC)聯席主席、歐洲議會議員Miriam Lexmann MEP表示:


News, ReportsMegan KhooEU, eu