US House of Representatives passes Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office Certification Act

Today, the US House of Representatives passed H.R. 1103, the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (HKETO) Certification Act. The bill passed 413 to 3.

The bill requires the President to remove the extension of certain privileges, exemptions, and immunities to the HKETOs in the US if they determine that Hong Kong no longer enjoys a high degree of autonomy from the People’s Republic of China.

In November 2023, the House Foreign Affairs Committee marked up H.R. 1103. The bill now needs to pass the US Senate to become law.

The original bill was introduced by Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ-04) in the previous Congress in December 2022. The bill followed recommendations from the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission’s annual report to Congress in November 2022, including calling for the US to review the status of Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices.

In October 2022, Hong Kong Watch released original research on the role and privileges of the 14 HKETOs around the world. The report recommended that governments review the diplomatic status of HKETOs and consider rebranding them as part of the Chinese Embassy following the imposition of the National Security Law. 

In April 2024, Hong Kong Watch released an updated briefing titled Beyond Borders: HKETOs, Article 23, and the CCP’s Agenda Abroad, which addresses the impact of Article 23 legislation on HKETOs, collates the responses since Hong Kong Watch’s 2022 briefing on the same topic, and provides updated recommendations.

Anouk Wear, Hong Kong Watch’s US Research and Policy Advisor, stated:

“We welcome the passing of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office Certificate Act in the US House of Representatives. This sends a strong signal that the US will not allow the Chinese Communist Party to have double representation in the US, via both the HKETO and the Chinese embassies and consulates. 

According to our research, the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices in Washington DC, New York, and San Francisco have diplomatic privileges and immunities that are outdated and must be reviewed, alongside other actions such as targeted sanctions, to hold Hong Kong and Beijing officials accountable for their violations of human rights and other international legal obligations.”


美國眾議院今天以413票贊成、3票反對,通過《香港經濟貿易辦事處認證法案》(Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (HKETO) Certification Act,又稱《H. R. 1103法案》)。


2023年11月,美國眾議院外交委員會就《H. R. 1103法案》作最後審議。法案現須獲參議院通過才能成為法律 。

原始法案由參議員Marco Rubio和眾議員Chris Smith於2022年12月上屆國會提出。法案採納了美中經濟暨安全檢討委員會(US-China Economic and Security Review Commission)在2022年11月致美國國會年度報告中提出的建議,包括呼籲美國審視香港經貿辦地位。


2024年4月,香港監察發表香港經貿辦研究的更新簡報《Beyond Borders: HKETOs, Article 23, and the CCP’s Agenda Abroad》。簡報討論23條立法對香港經貿辦的影響,整理自2022年香港監察發表相關簡報以來的回應,並提出更新建議。

香港監察美國研究及政策顧問Anouk Wear 華穆清表示:



NewsAnouk WearUS, HKETO