Hong Kong Watch hosts 80th birthday celebration for Lord Patten of Barnes

Yesterday, Hong Kong Watch hosted a drinks reception in celebration of the 80th birthday of Lord Patten of Barnes, the last Governor of Hong Kong and a Patron of Hong Kong Watch. 

The reception welcomed nearly 200 attendees, who joined in celebration of Lord Patten’s birthday and his remarkable contributions to the people of Hong Kong. Guests enjoyed a selection of refreshments, including freshly-brewed Hong Kong-style milk tea.

Remarks were made by Lord Patten, Benedict Rogers, co-founder and Trustee of Hong Kong Watch, Lee Wing Tat, former member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, and Catherine Li, a representative of the Steering Committee for the UK-Hong Kong Symposium.

Lord Patten said:

“I think we have to avoid being delusional about China. But I think we have to go on believing in the values that made our lives and our communities so special… I’m sure because of that, Hong Kong will one day, once again, be the greatest urban example of how free men and free women can create a great city, without any resources except their integrity, principles and hard work.”

On behalf of Hong Kong Watch, Benedict Rogers said:

“In holding this gathering, with the Hong Kong diaspora community and friends of Hong Kong, we want to express our profound appreciation, Lord Patten, to you for your continued, steadfast, tireless, dedicated and passionate support both of Hong Kong Watch and more importantly of the people of Hong Kong. Always willing to speak out, always with a wise, true and powerful message.” 

He also invited the crowd to have a minute’s silence to remember all political prisoners in Hong Kong – including Jimmy Lai, Chow Hang-tung, and Joshua Wong – and to hope for their imminent release.

We thank the Hong Kongers from across the UK who joined us to celebrate Lord Patten’s 80th birthday. We look forward to our continued partnership with Lord Patten as we advocate for the rights and freedoms of Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong community, around the world.

彭定康勳爵與近200在英港人同慶80大壽 香港監察感謝彭督為香港發聲從不言倦

香港監察昨晚舉辦社區聚會,慶祝香港監察贊助人、最後一任香港總督彭定康勳爵(Lord Patten of Barnes)的80歲生日。


彭定康勳爵、香港監察共同創辦人兼信託人羅傑斯(Benedict Rogers)、前香港立法會議員李永達和英港座談會(UK-Hong Kong Symposium)督導委員會代表Catherine Li上台致辭。







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