Hong Kong Watch Patron James Bezan MP meets Canadian Hong Kongers in Toronto

Last Friday, Hong Kong Watch Canada and the HongKonger Community Centre Toronto co-hosted a roundtable discussion with James Bezan MP, Canada’s Shadow Minister for National Defence and a Patron of Hong Kong Watch. We were grateful to MP Bezan for taking the time to meet representatives and members of the Hong Kong community and learn about issues that matter to the community.

The event was moderated by Aileen Calverley, co-founder and Chair of Trustees of Hong Kong Watch and a Director of the HongKonger Community Centre Toronto. The discussion covered local issues such as rising crime rates, drugs and what can be done to protect the Hong Kong community. We also discussed how to push for an increase in admission targets for the Hong Kong Pathway, transnational repression and national security issues.

香港監察贊助人James Bezan MP赴多倫多與加國港人見面交流 了解港人社區關注議題

上星期五,加拿大香港監察與多倫多香港人社區中心合辦圓桌交流會,嘉賓講者為香港監察贊助人、加拿大影子國防部長、國會議員James Bezan MP。我們非常感謝MP Bezan在百忙中抽空與香港人社區代表及成員見面,了解香港人社區關注的議題。

交流會由香港監察共同創辦人兼信託董事會主席、多倫多香港人社區中心董事Aileen Calverley主持。討論涵蓋了罪案上升、毒品和如何保護香港人社區等本地議題。此外,我們討論了如何推動增加「Hong Kong Pathway」的移民目標配額、跨國鎮壓和國家安全議題。