Hong Kong Watch hosts event on safety and security for BNOs in Sutton

On Saturday, Hong Kong Watch co-organised an event in Sutton in partnership with local community group Sutton Hongkongers to address BNO’s concerns around public safety, crime rates and privacy. 

The forum welcomed around 20 attendees, who were joined by Luke Taylor, Liberal Democrat MP for Sutton and Cheam, Tom Drummond, Conservative Councillor at Sutton Council, Lots Bautista, Labour Councillor at Camden Council, James Carvey, Sergeant for the Sutton Central Ward and Town Centre Team, and Lee Wing-Tat, former Hong Kong Legislative Council Member.

The event was moderated by Thomas Benson, Research and Policy Advisor at Hong Kong Watch, who invited speakers to share their experience and insight on how to access available support networks for concerns around crime, including threatening behaviour linked to transnational repression. The panel discussion was followed by an audience Q&A, where participants raised questions about the UK government’s response to transnational repression. The event provided attending BNO Hong Kongers with information on when and how to engage the police, councillors and their local MP, and encouraged them to make full use of the available support networks. 

James Carvey, Sergeant for the Sutton Central Ward, reiterated that if BNO Hong Kongers do not feel safe or confident to personally engage the police, friends or family can do so on their behalf. He also encouraged Hong Kongers to contact the police if they feel threatened or unsafe: ‘if you feel unsafe, that’s a good sign that you should probably call us.’  

This event is part of Hong Kong Watch’s political and civic engagement series, which aims to encourage and provide resources for BNOs to participate in civic and democratic processes in the UK. This event is supported by the GLA’s Hong Kong Welcome Hub Empowerment Fund, and is strictly cross-party and impartial.

We would like to thank our panellists, Luke Taylor MP, Councillor Tom Drummond, Councillor Lotis Bautista, Sergeant James Carvey, and Lee Wing-Tat for taking the time to join us and listen to BNO Hong Kongers’ concerns.

香港監察在薩頓舉辦BNO安全論壇 警長、區議員、國會議員親身解答跨國鎮壓等疑慮

星期六,香港監察與薩頓社區團體Sutton Hongkongers在當地合辦論壇,讓BNO港人討論對社區治安、罪案和私隱的疑慮。

活動約有20人出席,論壇講者包括:薩頓和奇姆(Sutton and Cheam)選區國會議員Luke Taylor(自由民主黨)、薩頓區議員Tom Drummond(保守黨)、劍頓(Camden)區議員Lots Bautista(工黨)、薩頓中央區及市中心隊警長James Carvey,以及前香港立法會議員李永達。

活動由香港監察研究及政策顧問Thomas Benson主持,他邀請講者就如何運用現有支援網絡應對罪案問題,包括涉及跨國鎮壓的威脅行為,分享經驗和見解。小組討論結束後設有觀眾問答環節,參加者問到英國政府對跨國鎮壓的回應。今次活動向出席BNO港人提供了何時及如何接觸警方、區議員和當地國會議員的資訊,鼓勵他們充分善用現有支援網絡。

薩頓中央區警長James Carvey重申,如果BNO港人對親自接觸警方缺乏安全感或信任,朋友或家人可以代為接觸。他亦鼓勵港人在感到受威脅或不安全時聯絡警方:「如果你感到不安全,就表示你應該報警。」

今次活動是香港監察政治和公民參與系列的一部分。計劃旨在向BNO社群提供資源,鼓勵參與英國公民及民主進程。活動由大倫敦政府Hong Kong Welcome Hub Empowerment Fund贊助,完全跨黨派和中立。

香港監察謹此感謝各位講者:國會議員Luke Taylor、區議員Tom Drummond、區議員Lots Bautista、警長James Carvey和李永達抽空出席活動,並傾聽BNO港人的憂慮。