Q&A on the extension of the BN(O) visa

This Q&A contains information on the extension of the BN(O) visa to young people from Hong Kong, which is due to come into effect on 30 November 2022. The extension terms were outlined in a statement of changes in the Immigration Rules.

What are the terms of the extension?

The BN(O) visa extension will allow adult children of a British National (Overseas) status holder to independently apply for the BN(O) visa, without the need to apply as a dependent of their parent. The applicant must be aged 18 or over, be born on or after 1 July 1997, and reside in Hong Kong, the UK or the Crown Dependencies. They will need to meet all other requirements of the rules to apply.

Is this a different visa?

No, the other terms of the visa remain the same. You can apply for 2 years and 6 months or 5 years. You will be able to extend your visa in the UK if you want to stay longer and you can apply to extend your visa as many times as you want. After you’ve lived in the UK for 5 years and meet the continuous residence requirement, you can apply to live in the UK permanently. After one year of settlement, you can apply for British citizenship.

When will it come into force?

We expect the changes and the application portal to go live on November 30, 2022.

How do I apply?

You will be able to apply through the usual route for BN(O) visa applicants, using this link. Further information will be made available on gov.uk.

How long will it take for me to get the visa?

You should get a decision within 12 weeks once you either attend your appointment at the UK Visa and Citizenship Application Service (UKVCAS) or when you submit your online documents after completing the ID Check app.

What about dependents?

You will be able to bring your spouse/partner, children under 18 and adult dependent relatives. The spouse/partner and children under-18 will be able to apply separately to join you later but the adult dependent relative(s) will need to meet the household requirement and apply with the adult child who is the main applicant.

There is no change to the rules for any other cohort who can currently apply under the route. So the spouse/partner, children under-18 and adult dependent relatives of a BN(O) status holder can apply as now, and the adult child of a BN(O)’s partner can continue to apply under the household member route providing they apply at the same time as the BN(O) and form part of the same household.

What about Leave Outside the Rules?

The UK Government operated a ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ policy (LOTR) when it first opened the BN(O) visa at the end of January 2021. BN(O) status holders and their eligible family members could come to the UK under LOTR, meaning that they could stay in the UK for up to 6 months and apply to the BN(O) route once here.

The UK Government has said that it will not re-open LOTR for this younger cohort, but point out that individuals can obtain LOTR at the border in compelling and compassionate circumstances. The Home Office says that this consideration will be done on a case-by-case basis. Details on how this is assessed and the process are outlined in this document.

Can I apply to switch into the BN(O) visa when it is extended if I am already in the UK?

Yes, the Home Office says that those who are already in the UK on another form of leave can apply to switch into the BN(O) route from within the UK once applications open on November 30. 

What if I’m currently applying for asylum or humanitarian protection in the UK, can I switch into the BN(O) visa once I am eligible?

Yes, this is possible. There is nothing to prevent an individual with an outstanding asylum claim from making an application under the BN(O) route. They do not need to withdraw their asylum claim before applying.  If someone wishes to make an application on the BN(O) route, they should apply to the route through the usual channels.

What is the cost of the visa?

The financial requirements remain the same. It costs £180 if you’re applying for 2 years and 6 months, and £250 if you’re applying for 5 years. You will also have to pay the immigration health surcharge (IHS). For each adult (18 or older) it costs: £1,560 if you’re staying for 2 years and 6 months; £3,120 if you’re staying for 5 years. For each child (under 18), it costs: £1,175 if you’re staying for 2 years and 6 months £2,350 if you’re staying for 5 years.

When you apply for the first time, you’ll need to show you have enough money to pay for your housing and to support yourself and your family for 6 months. As well as housing costs, you’ll need about £2,000 as a single adult.

What if my financial situation changes and I need support?

As standard, you cannot get access to benefits, but in certain financial circumstances, once you are on the BN(O) route you can apply to have the ‘no recourse to public funds’ condition lifted. You can do this here. If the application to have this lifted is successful, you can access benefits that are classed as ‘public funds’, which includes benefits such as Universal Credit, Child Benefit, Council Tax Benefit, Income Support, and Housing Benefit. A full list of benefits that are classed as public funds are available on the NRPF website here.

If you get access to benefits, you can still apply to live in the UK permanently after 5 years providing you meet all other requirements for settlement.

擴大 BN(O) 簽證計劃問答集

本問答集載有關於為香港年輕人擴大 BN(O) 簽證計劃的資訊,有關修訂將於 2022 年 11 月 30 日生效。擴大計劃的條款載於入境條例修訂聲明


擴大 BN(O) 簽證計劃容許英國國民(海外)身分持有人的成年子女獨立申請 BN(O) 簽證,而無需以父母的受養人身分申請。申請人必須年滿 18 歲,於 1997 年 7 月 1 日或之後出生,並在香港、英國或英國皇家屬地居住。他們需要符合條例的所有其他要求才能申請。


不是,簽證的其他條款維持不變。你可以申請 2 年 6 個月期或 5 年期。如想在英國逗留更長時間,則可申請延長簽證逗留期,申請次數不限。在英國居住滿 5 年並符合連續居留要求後,即可申請永久居留英國。定居一年後,即可申請入籍英國。


我們預計修訂將於 2022 年 11 月 30 日生效,申請平台亦將於同日啟動。


你可以使用此連結循 BN(O) 簽證申請人的正常途徑申請。gov.uk 將提供更多資訊。


你前往 UK Visa and Citizenship Application Service (UKVCAS) 簽證申請中心赴約或在 ID Check 應用程式上確認身分並遞交網上文件後,應該會在 12 個星期內獲悉決定。


你可以攜同你的配偶/伴侶、未滿 18 歲的子女和成年受養親屬。配偶/伴侶和未滿 18 歲的子女可以單獨申請,稍後與你會合,但成年受養親屬需要符合家屬要求,並與身為主申請人的成年子女一起申請。

目前可以經此途徑申請的任何其他群體方面,相關條例並無變動。因此,BN(O) 身分持有人的配偶/伴侶、未滿 18 歲的子女和成年受養親屬可以按現行條例申請,而 BN(O) 持有人伴侶的成年子女如與 BN(O) 持有人同時申請並屬於同一家庭,則可繼續經家庭成員途徑申請。


英國政府在 2021 年 1 月底首次開放 BN(O) 簽證時推行「特許入境許可」(Leave Outside the Rules (LOTR))。BN(O) 身分持有人及其合資格家庭成員可以 LOTR 形式赴英,意即他們可在英國逗留最多 6 個月,並在當地以 BN(O) 途徑申請。

英國政府表示不會為有關年輕群體重新開放 LOTR,但指出個人可以在具說服力和恩恤的情況下在邊境獲得 LOTR。內政部表示將根據具體情況考慮有關安排。有關評估方式和流程的詳情載於此文件

如果我已經身在英國,可以在擴大計劃後申請轉為 BN(O) 簽證嗎?

可以,內政部表示申請於 11 月 30 日開放後,那些以其他形式入境的在英人士可以在英國境內申請轉為 BN(O) 簽證。

如果我目前正在英國申請庇護或人道保護,可以在符合條件後轉為 BN(O) 簽證嗎?

可以,這是可行的。沒甚麼可以阻止有未決庇護申請的人士經 BN(O) 途徑提出申請。他們無需在申請 BN(O) 簽證前撤回庇護申請。如想以 BN(O) 途徑提出申請,則應按正常渠道申請。


財政要求維持不變。如果你申請 2 年 6 個月期,則費用為 180 英鎊;如果你申請 5 年期,則費用為 250 英鎊。你還須繳付移民醫療附加費(immigration health surcharge (IHS))。每名成人(18 歲或以上)的費用:如果你居留 2 年 6 個月,則為 1,560 英鎊;如果你居留 5 年,則為 3,120 英鎊。每名子女(18 歲以下)的費用:如果你居留 2 年 6 個月,則為 1,175 英鎊;如果你居留 5 年,則為 2,350 英鎊。

你首次申請時,需要證明你有足夠財力繳付住宿費用並維持自己和家人 6 個月的生活。除了住宿費用,以單一成人而言,你還需要大約 2,000 英鎊。


以標準而言,你不能獲得福利,但在某些財政情況下,你以 BN(O) 途徑居留後可以申請免除「不得領取公共經濟援助」(no recourse to public funds (NRPF))的條件。你可以在提出申請。如果申請免除成功,你可以領取歸類為「公共經濟援助」的福利,其中包括通用津貼(Universal Credit)、兒童津貼(Child Benefit)、議會稅收減免(Council Tax Benefit)、低收入支援(Income Support)和房屋津貼(Housing Benefit)等福利。NRPF 網站列有歸類為公共經濟援助的福利完整清單。

如果你獲得福利,只要你符合所有其他定居要求,則仍可在 5 年後申請永久居留英國。

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