Prominent Canadian parliamentarians become Hong Kong Watch Patrons

Today, Hong Kong Watch Canada is pleased to announce that several prominent parliamentarians have agreed to become Patrons. This includes Canada’s former Justice Minister and Attorney General Irwin Cotler, who chairs the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights, Senator Jim Munson, former Whip of the Senate Liberal Caucus and former Chair of the Senate Human Rights Committee, Senator Leo Housakos, former Speaker of the Senate and a member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and James Bezan MP, Shadow Minister for National Defence and Vice Chair of the Standing Committee on National Defence.

They join Canada’s former Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific David Kilgour and Shadow Minister for International Development and Human Rights and member of the Canada-China Relations Committee Garnett Genuis MP who are also Patrons of Hong Kong Watch. The organisation has engaged actively in advocacy in Ottawa over the past three years and is now in the process of establishing a branch to further enhance our presence in Canada.

Commenting on their appointment as Patrons, Hong Kong Watch’s co-founder and Chief Executive Benedict Rogers said:

“We are absolutely delighted to be able to expand our board of Patrons, and to be joined by such distinguished figures who enhance our bi-partisan and global reach as an international organisation working for the basic freedoms, human rights, rule of law and autonomy of the people of Hong Kong.”

Hong Kong Watch Canada Patron, Irwin Cotler said:

“Hong Kong Watch is needed now more than ever given Beijing's assault not only on media freedom - and the democracy movement - but democracy itself in Hong Kong. We have a responsibility to stand in solidarity with the people of Hong Kong in defense of our international treaty obligations and the protection of human rights and human dignity.”

Hong Kong Watch Canada Patron, Senator Leo Housakos said:

“We have seen the erosion of rule of law and human rights take a great toll on the people of Hong Kong over the past few years. The advocacy work of Hong Kong Watch has been vital in keeping pressure on the communist regime of China by bringing together parliamentarians, academics and media throughout the western world to call on their governments to take action.

As a parliamentarian who has been asked to be part of some of those efforts, I’m deeply honoured to now be named a Patron of HK Watch. I pledge to continue to lend my unwavering support to their important work.”

Hong Kong Watch Canada Patron, Senator Jim Munson said:

“We must always speak up for those who have been denied the right of free speech, freedom of association, a free press and the basic right of voting in free and fair elections. Human Rights are universal rights.”

Hong Kong Watch Canada Patron, James Bezan MP said:

“It is truly an honour to be working with Hong Kong Watch (HKW) who have been aggressively advocating for democracy and liberty in Hong Kong. The tyrannical interference in Hong Kong by the communist regime in Beijing can only be held in check by raising global awareness of the oppressive totalitarian tactics used against their own citizens.

I am proud to support the work of HKW and shine the light on the human rights abuses being committed by the Communist Party of China against the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong. Their voices will not be silenced because we will continuously amplify them on the world stage.”

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