Theresa May wants ‘one country, two systems’ respected in wake of Hong Kong barring activist from entering city NewsDanny Lee18 October 2017WW
UK summons Chinese ambassador after human rights activist barred from entering Hong Kong NewsGuest User18 October 2017
Twelve Top International Lawyers Warn of Grave Threats to Rule of Law, Judicial Independence and Human Rights in Hong Kong NewsGuest User16 October 2017Rule of Law
Benedict Rogers barred from entering Hong Kong, British Foreign Secretary speaks out in response NewsGuest User14 October 2017HR
Activists and academics set to gather outside UK Parliament in solidarity with imprisoned Hong Kong democracy activists NewsGuest User27 September 2017democracy, Actions
Open letter signed by 25 international figures calls for the release of jailed pro-democracy protestors NewsGuest User18 August 2017Global, Actions, HR, Rule of Law, PP, UK, US, Canada
Joshua Wong, Nathan Law, and Alex Chow jailed over Occupy Protests NewsGuest User17 August 2017democracy, HR