Hong Kong Watch advocates for human rights and democratic freedoms in Washington, DC

This week, Hong Kong Watch conducted high-level meetings in Washington, DC. Hong Kong Watch met with Members of Congress and government departments, to discuss the ramifications of Indo-Pacific geopolitics, EU-China relations and how they affect the US, and critical policy issues such as Hong Kong’s special privileges as covered by the Hong Kong Policy Act. We also highlighted the growing Hong Konger community across the US.

A productive meeting was held between Hong Kong Watch’s Chair of Trustees, Aileen Calverley, and Representative Carlos Gimenez (R-FL), a member of the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This meeting provided an opportunity to strategise ways to counter the CCP’s rising aggression in Hong Kong and around the world, and to address how Hong Kong’s special privileges are being exploited to facilitate sanctions evasion and bolster China’s economic power.

We also engaged with the offices of other Select Committee on the CCP members, including Representatives Neal Dunn (R-FL), Haley Stevens (D-MI), Rob Wittman (R-VA), and Ritchie Torres (D-NY), as well as Representative Mark Green (R-TN), a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Representatives Ami Bera (D-CA) and Ryan Mackenzie (R-PA), members of the East Asia and Pacific Subcommittee.

Hong Kong Watch also had productive meetings with the offices of Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD), Senator John Curtis (R-UT), Senator Adam Schiff (D-CA), and the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC). 

We express our gratitude to all Members of Congress for their commitment to safeguard Hong Kong’s human rights and fundamental freedoms. We look forward to continuing to work together on upholding democratic values in the US and worldwide.

香港監察定期會晤美國國會議員及其辦事處 爭取兩黨為港人發聲


香港監察信託董事會主席Aileen Calverley與共和黨眾議員兼眾議院中國共產黨問題特設委員會(Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party)委員Carlos Gimenez會面,討論抗衡中共在香港以至全球挑釁行為不斷升級的策略,以及應對香港特殊權利被用來協助規避制裁及提升中國經濟實力的策略。

我們會晤了其他中共問題特設委員會委員的辦事處,包括共和黨眾議員Neal Dunn、民主黨眾議員Haley Stevens、共和黨眾議員Rob Wittman和民主黨眾議員Ritchie Torres,亦會晤了共和黨眾議員兼眾議院外交事務委員會(Foreign Affairs Committee)委員Mark Green的辦事處,以及東亞暨太平洋事務小組委員會(East Asia and Pacific Subcommittee)委員的辦事處,包括民主黨眾議員Ami Bera和共和黨眾議員Ryan Mackenzie。

另外,我們會見了民主黨眾議員Jamie Raskin、共和黨參議員John Curtis、民主黨參議員Adam Schiff的辦事處,以及美中經濟暨安全檢討委員會(US-China Economic and Security Review Commission)。
