Hong Kong Watch launches policy memo on US-China relations and human rights at the Hudson Institute

Yesterday, Hong Kong Watch’s Research and Policy Advisor Anouk Wear presented a policy memo, which she co-authored with Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Olivia Enos and China Human Rights Defenders’ Co-Executive Director Sophie Richardson, at the Hudson Institute. Ms Wear spoke alongside Ms Richardson in a discussion which was moderated by Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Michael Sobolik.

The policy memo, Prioritizing Human Rights in US Policy toward China: A Guide for the Next Administration, urges the new US administration and Congress to prioritize human rights in its policy toward China, emphasizing the need for stronger measures against the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) human rights violations, support for dissidents, and international cooperation to counter repression and safeguard democratic values.

During the event, Ms Richardson provided background on the policy memo, explaining that it was written before the election and that it is strategically important for any US administration to center its US-China Policy around human rights. She stressed that the priorities and policy recommendations came from constructive dialogue among a coalition of civil society and human rights groups, which are listed at the end of the memo. 

Ms Wear discussed the recommendations, focusing on the US making full use of sanctions and other financial tools to impose costs on individuals and entities in the PRC responsible for human rights violations. She also highlighted the need for the US to strengthen its support for human rights defenders in and from the PRC by providing financial resources, publicly recognizing their work, and offering asylum when needed. 

You can watch a livestream of the discussion here


昨天,香港監察研究及政策顧問華穆清(Anouk Wear)在美國智庫哈德遜研究所(Hudson Institute)研討會上匯報由她與哈德遜研究所資深研究員Olivia Enos和非政府組織中國人權捍衛者(China Human Rights Defenders)聯席行政總監Sophie Richardson共同撰寫的政策備忘錄,內容圍繞美中關係。華穆清與Sophie Richardson一同擔任討論講者,主持為哈德遜研究所資深研究員Michael Sobolik。

這份政策備忘錄名為《Prioritizing Human Rights in US Policy toward China: A Guide for the Next Administration》,促請美國新一屆政府及國會制訂對華政策時優先考慮人權,強調有需要就中國共產黨侵害人權行為採取更強硬措施、支援異見人士,並與國際社會合作,對抗打壓及捍衛民主價值。

活動期間,Sophie Richardson講解有關政策備忘錄的背景,稱備忘錄寫於美國大選前,又指美國政府制訂美中政策時以人權為中心,在策略上很重要。她強調這些優先事項和政策建議出自與民間及人權團體的建設性對話,相關內容載於備忘錄結尾。



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