Members of Parliament urge UK Foreign Secretary to challenge participation of Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee in British Chamber of Commerce Summit

Today, nine Members of the British Parliament – Hong Kong Watch Patron Lord Alton of Liverpool, Hong Kong Watch Patron Sarah Champion MP, Hong Kong Watch Patron Alistair Carmichael MP, Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle, Phil Brickell MP, Will Forster MP, Charlotte Nichols MP, Vikki Slade MP and Nadia Whittome MP – sent a letter to UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy, urging him to challenge the participation of Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee and the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) top diplomat in Hong Kong Cui Jianchun at the British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong’s ‘BritCham Hong Kong Summit 2024’ taking place tomorrow. 

The Summit is one of the largest events for international businesses in Hong Kong, and seeks to promote investment and business activity in the city. The Members of Parliament express their concern that the participation of Mr Lee and Mr Cui will serve as a tacit endorsement of the national security regime which both individuals have overseen and implemented, as a consequence of which the UK government has announced that it considers the PRC to be in ‘ongoing breach’ of the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration and launched the BNO visa scheme, which 191,000 BNO Hong Kongers have used to start new lives in Britain since 2021. 

Additionally, given that the business environment in Hong Kong is declining due to the repression of the Hong Kong government, the Members of Parliament also implore the Foreign Secretary to update the UK’s March 2024 ‘Overseas business risk: Hong Kong’ to specify which clauses of the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance might apply and pose a risk to UK businesses. The US updated their Hong Kong Business Advisory on 7 September 2024, warning US businesses about the risks of continuing to operate in Hong Kong.

The letter concludes: “We do not consider it wise for the British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong to provide a platform for Mr Lee and Mr Cui to extol the virtues of a national security regime which the FCDO officially considers to have violated the PRC’s international treaty commitments signed with the British government.”

The Members of Parliament await a response from the Foreign Secretary. 

Alistair Carmichael, Liberal Democrat MP for Orkney and Shetland and Patron of Hong Kong Watch, said:

“We hope the Foreign Secretary will seriously consider the implications of the British Chamber of Commerce not only hosting but providing a platform for John Lee and Cui Jianchun. Both of these individuals continue to be leaders in implementing the 2020 National Security Law and the 2024 Safeguarding National Security Ordinance, which has led to hundreds of political imprisonments, the forced closure of media outlets and civil society organisations, and the ongoing destruction of the human rights environment in Hong Kong. The UK government has raised red flags regarding these laws over the past four years and must remain consistent in its message that Britain has no tolerance for the breaching of international laws and threatening the rights and freedoms of millions of Hong Kongers in the city and around the world.”


今天,九位英國國會議員,包括三位香港監察贊助人:上議員奧爾頓勳爵(Lord Alton of Liverpool)、下議員柴萍恩(Sarah Champion MP)、甘文康(Alistair Carmichael MP),以及上議員本內特女男爵(Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle)、下議員Phil Brickell MP、Will Forster MP、Charlotte Nichols MP、Vikki Slade MP和Nadia Whittome MP,聯署致函英國外交大臣林德偉(David Lammy),促請他就香港行政長官李家超和中國外交部駐香港特派員公署特派員崔建春參加明天舉行的香港英商會(British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong)「2024年英商會香港峰會」(BritCham Hong Kong Summit 2024)一事提出質疑。




Orkney and Shetland選區自由民主黨下議員、香港監察贊助人甘文康表示:


NewsMegan KhooHong Kong, UK, uk