Jimmy Lai’s international legal team file appeal with United Nations amid reports he is denied Holy Communion

This past week, the international legal team for Jimmy Lai, the jailed entrepreneur and pro-democracy campaigner in Hong Kong, submitted an urgent appeal to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture, Dr Alice Edwards, on his behalf.

The appeal highlights Mr Lai’s prolonged detention in solitary confinement for over three and a half years in Hong Kong, and denial of access to independent medical care. Mr Lai, aged 76 and a British citizen, suffers from diabetes and has experienced significant weight loss and increasing frailty since being imprisoned for peacefully advocating for democracy. He is routinely held in his cell for 23 hours 10 minutes each day, with only 50 minutes for restricted exercise and limited human contact or access to daylight.

The appeal to the UN also details the grossly disproportionate imprisonment for entirely peaceful acts in Hong Kong. In a statement from Doughty Street Chambers, the international legal team says, “Mr Lai is being accused of practising journalism, speaking to politicians about politics, and raising concerns about accountability for human rights violations in Hong Kong.” 

Caoilfhionn Gallagher KC added: “International law is clear: it is always unlawful for a prisoner to be subjected to torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment. This unlawful, appalling treatment of Mr Lai must end.”

In addition to these concerns, according to a new report in The Pillar, Mr Lai – a devout Catholic – has now been banned from receiving Holy Communion from priests who occasionally visit him. He has reportedly been denied the sacrament since his current trial began.

Mr Lai founded the now-defunct newspaper Apple Daily, the largest pro-democracy newspaper in Hong Kong. Mr Lai has already served several prison sentences on multiple charges, including 13 months for lighting a candle and saying a prayer at a vigil to commemorate the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre. He now faces three charges under the Beijing-imposed Hong Kong National Security Law which carries a maximum punishment of life in prison, and one charge for “conspiracy to publish seditious publications” under the colonial-era sedition law. His trial began on 18 December 2023, and is expected to resume on 20 November 2024.

Benedict Rogers, co-founder and trustee of Hong Kong Watch said:

“Especially given these latest concerns on Jimmy Lai’s worsening prison conditions and denials of his right to freedom of religion or belief, the UK government, United Nations, Pope Francis and the international community must urgently act to secure Mr Lai’s immediate and unconditional release. 

The UK government should swiftly respond to the meeting request of and meet with Sebastien Lai, to show their unwavering support for the release of his father, who is a British citizen, in Hong Kong. The United Nations should seriously consider and respond to last week’s urgent appeal. And the Catholic Church cannot afford silence any longer – Pope Francis should publicly raise Jimmy Lai’s case with the Chinese and Hong Kong authorities and ensure that there are no further violations of religious freedom in Hong Kong.

With Mr Lai’s deteriorating health at 76 years of age, there is no time to waste.”

被單獨囚禁超過三年半、被拒領聖餐 黎智英國際律師團隊向聯合國提出緊急呼籲

上週,黎智英國際律師團隊代表黎向聯合國酷刑特別報告員Alice Edwards提出緊急呼籲


除了上述憂慮之外,新聞網站《The Pillar》報導指,虔誠天主教徒黎智英現被禁止領受間中探訪他的神父的聖餐。據稱自他目前的案件開審以來,他一直被拒絕領受聖餐。

香港監察共同創辦人兼信託人羅傑斯(Benedict Rogers)表示:


