Hong Kong Watch hosts ‘Meet Your MPs’ event with Yuan Yang MP and Olivia Bailey MP in Reading

Yesterday, Hong Kong Watch hosted a community forum for Hong Kongers in Reading to meet their newly elected representatives following the General Election.

The forum included Yuan Yang, the new Labour MP for Earley and Woodley, and Olivia Bailey, the new Labour MP for Reading West and Mid Berkshire.

The event was moderated by Megan Khoo, Research and Policy Advisor at Hong Kong Watch, who led a discussion with the two MPs on the Labour government’s expected approach to the British National (Overseas) visa scheme and UK-China relations. The MPs shared Labour’s commitment to maintain the BNO scheme, and noted the need to expand the scheme to those born before the 1997 handover of Hong Kong and to offer Home Fee status to BNO Hong Kongers.

The panel discussion was followed by an audience Q&A, where participants raised questions about opportunities and funding for Hong Kongers to better integrate into Britain. Participants also expressed concerns about increasing transnational repression against the Hong Kong community in the UK.

This event is part of Hong Kong Watch’s political and civic engagement series, which aims to encourage BNOs to participate in civic and democratic processes in the UK. 

We would like to thank Yuan Yang MP and Olivia Bailey MP for taking the time to join us and meet with BNO Hong Kongers in their constituencies.

香港監察雷丁社區論壇順利舉行 新當選國會議員傾聽居英港人憂慮


論壇講者包括Earley and Woodley選區的新任工黨國會議員楊緣(Yuan Yang)和Reading West and Mid Berkshire選區的新任工黨國會議員Olivia Bailey。

活動由香港監察研究及政策顧問Megan Khoo主持,她就工黨政府對英國國民(海外)簽證計劃和英中關係的預期方針,與兩位議員展開討論。議員表示跟工黨一樣致力維持BNO計劃,並指出有必要拓展計劃至1997年香港主權移交前出生的合資格港人,並向BNO港人提供本地生學費資格。



香港監察謹此感謝國會議員楊緣和Olivia Bailey抽空參與活動,並落區與BNO港人見面。