Hong Kong Watch Canada holds roundtable discussion on Hong Kong Pathway backlog and Youth Initiative training workshop at HongKonger Community Centre Toronto

On 27 July, Hong Kong Watch Canada was at the HongKonger Community Centre Toronto to have a roundtable discussion on the ongoing issue of the Hong Kong Pathway backlog and run a Youth Initiative public training workshop. 30 participants were there in person, with 30 others joining online.

Aileen Calverley, co-founder and Chair of Trustees of Hong Kong Watch, gave updates about conversations she, alongside Katherine Leung, Hong Kong Watch’s Policy Advisor for Canada, had with the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), especially how Hong Kong Watch will propose a policy solution to turn Hong Kong Pathway applicants from temporary residents to permanent residents, aligning with the Canadian Government’s immigration goals. Hong Kong Watch will continue communication with high-level PMO officials.

The Conservative Party of Canada candidate, Lionel Longanathan, spoke to Youth Initiative (YI) programme participants to introduce his party, as well as clarify policy positions on issues that matter to Hong Kongers in Canada. He reiterated his support for the Hong Kong Pathway backlog issue and affirmed his commitment to help Hong Kongers. This follows Jean Yip MP’s presentation to the YI programme about the Liberal Party of Canada a few months ago.



香港監察共同創辦人兼信託董事會主席Aileen Calverley分享了她聯同香港監察加拿大政策顧問Katherine Leung向加拿大總理辦公室(Prime Minister’s Office)倡議的最新進展。她特別提到香港監察會提出政策解決方案,建議將「Hong Kong Pathway」申請人由臨時居民(temporary residents)轉為永久居民(permanent residents),從而符合加拿大政府的移民目標。香港監察會繼續與總理辦公室高層官員溝通。

加拿大保守黨國會候選人Lionel Loganathan向「青年倡議計劃」參加者介紹了保守黨,並就在加港人關心的議題釐清了政策立場。他重申會就「Hong Kong Pathway」積壓問題提供支援,並承諾幫助香港人。這場工作坊承接幾個月前國會議員葉嘉麗(Jean Yip MP)講授的「青年倡議計劃」工作坊,她當時介紹了加拿大自由黨。