Statement from Lord Patten of Barnes on the withholding of Hong Kongers' MPF savings

Since the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs made a unilateral declaration in response to the opening of the British National (Overseas) visa scheme in January 2021 to no longer recognise the BNO identity, we have witnessed an estimated 126,505 Hong Kongers being denied £3 billion worth of their Mandatory Provident Fund retirement savings. 

This act of political retaliation is most concerning, as Hong Kong Watch of which I am a Patron has pointed out regularly. This is being conducted by fiat with no laws or regulations being changed in Hong Kong regarding the operation of the MPF.

Even more concerning is the withholding of MPF savings from those without BNO visas who have obtained permanent residency in Australia. According to the Mandatory Provident Fund Authority, permission to reside in a place outside of Hong Kong is satisfactory for early MPF withdrawal.

However, these cases involve Hong Kongers who have been issued arrest warrants with HK$1 million (£99,157) bounties for advocating for democracy. This demonstrates that the freezing of Hong Kongers’ savings is an act of transnational repression, to punish those who have fled from the Hong Kong regime.

This outrageous behaviour cannot be justified in the UK, given that the Hong Kong National Security Law and its extraterritorial reach violate Hong Kong’s international obligations under the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. 

The new UK government should swiftly take action to address the withholding of Hong Kongers’ hard-earned savings. This includes issuing guidance to all UK-based financial institutions regarding the use of BNO passports as valid documents while continuing to press the Hong Kong authorities and UK-headquartered MPF trustees to allow Hong Kongers to access their MPF savings.

British-headquartered MPF trustees, HSBC and Standard Chartered, must not be complicit in political retaliation and transnational repression against Hong Kongers who have sought safe haven in the UK. There are no excuses that merit cooperation with a regime that increasingly suppresses the most basic civil and political liberties that are guaranteed under international law.

To this day, the Hong Kong government is legally obliged to uphold Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy and respect the rights enshrined in the Basic Law.










NewsMegan KhooUK, uk, MPF