Hong Kong Watch Canada holds roundtable discussion on Hong Kong Pathway backlog issue at HongKonger Community Centre Toronto

On 29 June, Hong Kong Watch Canada held a roundtable discussion on the backlog of Hong Kong Pathway applications at the HongKonger Community Centre Toronto. The discussion was joined in person by around 30 Hong Kongers and online by over 30 others who were concerned about delays in the processing of permanent residency applications.

Aileen Calverley, co-founder and Chair of Trustees of Hong Kong Watch and a Director of the HongKonger Community Centre Toronto, shared with the participants Hong Kong Watch’s policy asks for the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), and updated them on the progress of our campaign to resolve the backlog. A parliamentary assistant for a member of the Immigration Committee was also there to learn about the situation.

During the event, we collected urgent cases and discussed follow-up action items. Ms Calverley noted that Hong Kong Watch would have a meeting with an immigration policy advisor in the Prime Minister’s Office to discuss strategies to solve the problem.

We sent the urgent cases to IRCC for expedited processing and some applicants had their permanent residency applications approved afterwards.

加拿大香港監察在多倫多香港人社區中心設立圓桌 講解救生艇永居申請積壓倡議進展

6月29日,加拿大香港監察在多倫多香港人社區中心就救生艇計劃「Hong Kong Pathway」永居申請積壓設立圓桌。除了現場約30名港人外,還有30多名關注永居申請審批延誤的港人在網上同步參與討論。

香港監察共同創辦人兼信託董事會主席、多倫多香港人社區中心董事Aileen Calverley向參加者分享香港監察對加拿大移民部的政策要求,並講解相關倡議的最新進展,務求解決積壓問題。移民委員會國會議員助理亦有到場了解情況。

活動期間,我們收集了緊急個案並討論了後續行動。Aileen Calverley提到香港監察將與加拿大總理辦公室移民政策顧問會面,探討解決問題的對策。
