On the 27th anniversary of the Hong Kong handover, Hong Kong Watch calls for the BNO scheme to be expanded

On 1 July 2024, Hong Kong marks 27 years since the handover of the city to the People’s Republic of China (PRC). It also separately marks the fourth anniversary of the imposition of the National Security Law, a Beijing-imposed law which has undermined judicial independence, damaged Hong Kong’s rule of law, and eroded many of the basic rights and freedoms enshrined in Hong Kong’s mini-constitution, the Basic Law. 

On the same date four years ago, the British government announced that it would introduce a lifeboat scheme that offered a pathway to British citizenship for BNO status holders and their dependents: the BNO visa scheme, which since its formal launch on 31 January 2021 has seen over 210,000 BNO passport holders and their dependents start new lives in the UK. 

However, as documented in a new briefing published today by Hong Kong Watch, the date of the handover has a tragic resonance for a specific cohort of Hong Kongers – those who were born to BNO passport-holding parents, but do not have BNO status themselves. 

A Hong Konger born on 1 July 1997 turns 27 today. Provided his or her parents applied for BNO status for themselves before the handover, this individual is able to apply, independently of their parents, for the BNO visa scheme. A Hong Konger without BNO status who was born the day before, on 30 June 1997, is not eligible for the BNO visa scheme regardless of whether their parents hold BNO status. 

For those born between 1 July 1979 and 30 June 1997 this is particularly unfortunate, as they were children at the time of the handover and had no ability to apply for BNO status themselves. 

Many Hong Kongers in this age bracket would desperately like to access the BNO scheme to flee political repression at home and to rejoin with family in the UK, but remain ineligible for the visa. The passing of repressive domestic national security laws, commonly referred to as ‘Article 23’, earlier this year, has caused fresh anxiety for many Hong Kongers without BNO status who remain without a lifeboat out of the city as some of the last remnants of Hong Kong’s rights and freedoms are expunged by the HKSAR government. 

Today, with only three days to go until the UK General Election on 4 July, Hong Kong Watch calls on whichever party forms the next UK government to make good on the UK’s historic commitments to the people of Hong Kong and close the gap in the BNO scheme by enabling those who were aged under 18 at the time of the handover, and who have at least one BNO parent, to be eligible for the BNO scheme regardless of whether they hold BNO status themselves. 

You can read the full briefing, Closing the Gap: Extending the BNO Scheme to those Born before 1997, here.

Thomas Benson, Research and Policy Advisor at Hong Kong Watch, commented:

“Many Hong Kongers born before 1997 have watched their families and friends flee Hong Kong while they remain left behind, with no lifeboat out of the city. In some cases, an individual may find that their parents can leave Hong Kong, as well as younger siblings born after the handover. They meanwhile are caught in a gap in the current BNO visa policy. 

This 1 July, we mark the 27th anniversary of the handover as well as the fourth anniversary of the imposition of the National Security Law and the announcement of the BNO scheme. It is the perfect time to correct some of the inequities which still exist within the scheme and which freeze out those who may have only been infants at the time of the handover. 

No matter which party wins in three day’s time, we call on the incoming UK government to start its new Parliamentary term by rectifying this situation and closing the gap.” 

香港主權移交27週年 香港監察最新簡報倡議拓展BNO計劃至97前出生合資格港人








請在此處閱讀簡報全文《Closing the Gap: Extending the BNO Scheme to those Born before 1997》。

香港監察研究及政策顧問Thomas Benson表示:


