Hong Kong Watch commemorates 35th anniversary of Tiananmen Square Massacre

Today marks the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre in Beijing and the crackdown on pro-democracy protesters across China in 1989, and the fifth consecutive year that vigils in remembrance of the massacre are banned in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Watch stands in solidarity with the people of Hong Kong and China in commemorating the tragedy.

Until Beijing imposed the National Security Law in Hong Kong in 2020, the city was the one place under the sovereignty of the People’s Republic of China where the Tiananmen Square Massacre could be commemorated.

Until five years ago, Victoria Park in Hong Kong was filled with thousands of people for an annual candlelit vigil to mark the anniversary, and churches across Hong Kong were open for prayer vigils.

Today, such commemorations in Hong Kong and across China are prohibited, making it even more important that people who live in freedom around the world continue to remember what happened on 4 June 1989 in Beijing.

Last week in London, Hong Kong Watch partnered with Index on Censorship, Human Rights in China and Humanitarian China at St. John’s Waterloo to commemorate the Tiananmen Square Massacre. The event featured a panel discussion with Zhou Fengsuo, Rahima Mahmut and Ma Jian, who were all in Tiananmen Square at some point during the student movement and Massacre. There was also a music performance by Yinfi, who played the pro-democracy anthem ‘Glory to Hong Kong’, and an art exhibition with pieces illustrating the tragedy and censorship around the protest movement and Massacre.

On Saturday 1 June, Hong Kong Watch co-founder and Chief Executive Benedict Rogers spoke at a performance of the play May 35th, in Southwark Playhouse, commemorating the Tiananmen Square Massacre.

Benedict Rogers said:

“It is a very dark day as we remember the Tiananmen Square Massacre 35 years ago. We must never forget the courage and sacrifice of so many people in Tiananmen Square in 1989, and the brave commitment of Hong Kongers who made sure the massacre was always commemorated in Hong Kong until they were banned from doing so five years ago.

While the streets of Hong Kong remain empty and solemn due to the authorities fearing the power of the truth on this day, those who live in freedom must uphold our responsibility to make sure that 4 June 1989 is never forgotten. We must ensure that candles are lit and memories rekindled in every corner of the world in honour of the courage and sacrifice of those who protested in 1989. The truth must not be erased.”

「六四」35週年|守護真相 讓「六四」燭光照遍世界每個角落


香港監察上星期夥同「查禁目錄 Index on Censorship」、「中國人權 Human Rights in China」和「人道中國 Humanitarian China」,在倫敦合辦「六四」紀念活動。活動設有小組討論,講者周鋒鎖、Rahima Mahmut和馬建在1989年學生運動和屠殺期間某刻均在天安門廣場。活動亦有音樂表演,音樂人因非演奏《願榮光歸香港》,還有藝術展覽,作品描繪圍繞有關示威運動和屠殺的悲劇和審查。

6月1日(星期六),香港監察共同創辦人兼行政總監羅傑斯(Benedict Rogers)在紀念「六四」的舞台劇《5月35日》其中一場演出後發言。


