Canada must review special privileges of Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Toronto to combat transnational repression

Today, Hong Kong Watch has published an updated briefing on Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices (HKETOs) specific to Canada, From Hong Kong to Toronto: The CCP’s overseas outposts via HKETOs. The briefing urges the Government and Parliament of Canada to swiftly review the special privileges of the HKETO in Toronto to combat transnational repression, especially after an employee at the HKETO in London was recently charged alongside two men for “unlawfully assisting the Hong Kong intelligence service and engaging in foreign interference by forcing entry into a British address.”

The briefing highlights that 14 HKETOs around the world, including the Toronto HKETO and its outpost in Vancouver, maintain similar privileges and immunities to diplomatic embassies and consulates, even where the host country also has a People’s Republic of China (PRC) embassy and consulates. Following the implementation of Article 23 legislation in Hong Kong in March 2024, HKETOs have assumed increased responsibility for promoting closer ties between Hong Kong and Mainland China, with an annual budget of HK$601.5 million (C$106.1 million) to engage in commercial relations, public relations, and investment promotions. 

As the People’s Republic of China increasingly controls the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) more directly, the briefing urges the Government of Canada and Parliament of Canada, which is actively studying foreign interference and how to counter it, as well as considering Bill C-70, to:

  • Review the status, privileges, and immunities of the HKETO in Toronto and its outpost in Vancouver, ensuring that the status of HKETOs depends on Beijing not exercising more control over the HKSAR.

  • Review the HKSAR’s seat at the World Trade Organization, its representation at the EU, and its representation at International Maritime Organization, to avoid giving the PRC two seats in each of these international organisations. 

  • Review special treatment of the HKSAR in Canada’s bilateral and multilateral treaties.

The full briefing can be read here

Megan Khoo, Research and Policy Advisor at Hong Kong Watch and author of the briefing, said:

“As the People’s Republic of China increasingly chokes and promotes harsh and lawless consequences on Hong Kong, the merit of Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices in Toronto and its diplomatic outpost in Vancouver must be reviewed. 

Specifically, as the Parliament of Canada implements Bill C-70 and takes a closer look at how foreign interference affects individuals in Canada, the HKETO in Toronto must not go unnoticed and be swiftly reviewed to protect the Hong Kong community.”

This briefing follows Hong Kong Watch’s April 2024 publication, Beyond Borders: HKETOs, Article 23, and the CCP’s Agenda Abroad and October 2022 publication PRC Embassies in Disguise: Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices are Another Overseas Arm of the CCP.

香港監察最新經貿辦簡報促請加拿大審視香港駐多倫多經貿辦特權 打擊跨國鎮壓

今天,香港監察發表針對加拿大香港經濟貿易辦事處(香港經貿辦 HKETOs)的最新簡報《From Hong Kong to Toronto: The CCP’s overseas outposts via HKETOs》。簡報促請加拿大政府及國會迅速審視香港駐多倫多經貿辦的特權,藉以打擊跨國鎮壓,尤其是鑒於一名香港駐倫敦經貿辦僱員最近與兩名男子一同被指控「非法協助香港情報機關及強行進入英國一處住所,參與外國干預」。



  • 審視香港駐多倫多經貿辦及其駐溫哥華聯絡辦事處的地位、特權和豁免權,確保香港經貿辦的地位維持與否視乎北京不對香港施加更多管制。

  • 審視香港的世界貿易組織成員身分、歐盟代表權及國際海事組織代表權,以免中國在這些國際組織中各佔有兩個席位。

  • 審視加拿大雙邊及多邊條約賦予香港的特殊待遇。


香港監察研究及政策顧問、簡報作者Megan Khoo表示:



這份簡報跟進香港監察2024年4月發表的簡報《Beyond Borders: HKETOs, Article 23, and the CCP’s Agenda Abroad》,以及2022年10月發表的簡報《PRC Embassies in Disguise: Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices are Another Overseas Arm of the CCP》。