Hong Kong Watch testifies to Canadian Senate on passing Bill C-70 to counter transnational repression before next election

Yesterday evening, Katherine Leung, Policy Advisor for Hong Kong Watch Canada, testified before the Standing Committee on National Security and Defence (SECD) of the Canadian Senate on Bill C-70, An Act respecting countering foreign interference. Ms Leung expressed Hong Kong Watch’s support for the swift passage of the Bill as well as its proposed amendments to ensure the Canadian government is fully equipped to combat foreign interference.

Ms Leung’s testimony focused on the need to extend the registration requirement of the Foreign Influence Transparency Registry to not only individuals who explicitly threaten political and governmental processes, but also those involved in activities aimed at suppressing public discourse, which indirectly influences democratic processes.

Ms Leung explained how in addition to tactics of intimidation, threats, and violence to silence dissent within diaspora communities, foreign interference also includes discrimination. “There have been instances where individuals in Canada have faced job loss or eviction due to their political opinions,” said Ms Leung. Ms Leung also shared the case of a Hong Konger who was evicted by their landlord, who is linked to the Chinese Communist Party, after participating in a pro-democracy rally in Canada. As currently written, Bill C-70 would not require registration as a foreign agent for such activities. 

Ms Leung called for the expansion of the registration requirement of the Foreign Influence Transparency Registry, new offences related to foreign interference including discrimination, and enhanced information-sharing capabilities between national security partners and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service.

This hearing follows Ms Leung’s testimony before the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (SECU) of the Canadian House of Commons on Bill C-70 last week, as well as Hong Kong Watch’s April 2024 publication, Safety of Hong Kongers in Canada: Transnational Repression and Foreign Interference.

Ms Leung said: 

“Hong Kong Watch supports the speedy passage of the Countering Foreign Interference Act such that it is in place before the next election. While we support the Bill in its entirety, it is vital that the Bill extends the scope of the Foreign Influence Transparency Registry and includes new offences for deceptive acts that indirectly undermine democratic processes to comprehensively address the multifaceted nature of foreign interference. For elected officials to represent their constituents and protect the Hong Kong community, it is crucial that every individual who resides in Canada can freely express their views without fear of retribution.”

香港監察出席加拿大參議院外國干預法案聽證會 促下屆大選前通過《C-70法案》打擊跨國鎮壓

昨晚,香港監察加拿大政策顧問Katherine Leung出席加拿大參議院國家安全、國防及退伍軍人事務常務委員會聽證會,就《C-70打擊外國干預法案》作證。她表明香港監察支持迅速通過有關法案及其擬議修訂,務求確保加拿大政府有充分能力打擊外國干預。

Katherine Leung的證詞集中關注擴展外國影響透明度登記制度(Foreign Influence Transparency Registry)登記要求的需要,即擴展至不但涵蓋明顯威脅政治及政府進程的人士,而且涵蓋參與旨在壓制輿論行為的人士,這些行為間接影響民主進程。

Katherine Leung解釋,除了透過恐嚇、威脅和暴力手段壓制離散社群中的異議聲音外,外國干預還包括歧視。另外,她分享一名港人在加拿大參加支持民主集會後被與中國共產黨有關聯的房東趕走的個案。按照現行規定,《C-70法案》不會要求有關人士就這類行為註冊為外國代理人。

Katherine Leung呼籲擴大外國影響透明度登記制度的登記要求;新增涉及外國干預(包括歧視)的罪行;並加強國家安全合作夥伴與加拿大安全情報局之間的資訊分享能力。

Katherine Leung上週出席加拿大眾議院公共安全及國家安全常務委員會聽證會,同樣就《C-70法案》作證。此外,香港監察於2024年4月發表《在加港人的安全:跨國鎮壓與外國干預》(Safety of Hong Kongers in Canada: Transnational Repression and Foreign Interference簡報

Katherine Leung表示:
