Hong Kong Watch Canada raises deep concerns about loss of Hong Kong families’ legal status in Canada

Today, Hong Kong Watch Canada expressed deep concerns about the disturbing situation faced by Hong Kong families with children who have lost their legal status while awaiting the processing of their permanent residency (PR) applications under Stream A and Stream B of Canada’s Hong Kong Pathway.

According to information received by Hong Kong Watch Canada, these families, due to expired work permits, are now facing possible loss of immigration status in Canada. This has resulted in their children being unable to attend school, which is a significant obstacle to their education and future prospects.

Hong Kong Watch Canada is actively working to resolve the delay in processing PR applications and we are advocating for a swift resolution to this crisis. We urge the Minister of Immigration to take immediate action to expedite the processing of permanent residency applications for these families, ensuring they receive the legal status required to restore their security and stability and enable their children’s access to education.

Aileen Calverley, co-founder and Chair of Trustees of Hong Kong Watch, said:

“Education is the cornerstone of a thriving society, and denying children access to education is a grave injustice. We cannot turn a blind eye to the plight of these families. It is imperative that we advocate for their rights as a matter of urgency, and work towards a swift resolution and expedite their permanent residency application.

Furthermore, we strongly recommend that the government of Canada consider granting Bridging Open Work Permits BOWP to all Stream A and Stream B applicants, even if they have lost their status and are ineligible for permit renewal. This temporary solution would provide much-needed support to these families, allowing them to sustain themselves during the processing period.

By taking immediate steps to address these urgent concerns, and by implementing the recommended measures, we can alleviate the hardships faced by these families, uphold human rights, and demonstrate Canada’s commitment to supporting individuals from Hong Kong who seek a brighter future.”

循「香港救生艇 Hong Kong Pathway」申請永居家庭因審批時間過長失去合法身分 加拿大香港監察促移民部推加速(expedite)處理及過渡開放式工作簽證(Bridging OWP)

加拿大香港監察得悉,有小朋友的香港家庭循加拿大「香港救生艇 Hong Kong Pathway」Stream A、Stream B申請永久居留權,因等候審批時間過長而失去合法身分留加,情況令人憂慮,特此深表關注。



香港監察共同創辦人兼信託董事會主席Aileen Calverley表示:


此外,我們強烈建議加拿大政府考慮向所有Stream A、Stream B申請人授予過渡開放式工作簽證(Bridging Open Work Permit,簡稱BOWP),即使這些申請人已失去身分,不符合資格續領簽證。這個方案能為這些家庭暫時解決燃眉之急,在等候審批期間維持生計。
