Hong Kong Watch concludes visit to Brussels

Last week, Hong Kong Watch’s Research and Policy Advisor Megan Khoo visited Brussels where she joined the European Hong Kong Diaspora Alliance in meeting with the European External Action Service, EPP (European People’s Party) Group and MEPs to advocate for Hong Kong in the EU.

As Vice Chair of the Alliance’s Advocacy Committee, Mrs Khoo, alongside other representatives of the Alliance, had meetings with Bernard Guetta MEP, Petras Auštrevičius MEP, Kosma Złotowski MEP, Engin Eroglu MEP and our Patron Miriam Lexmann MEP to discuss transnational repression against the Hong Kong community, the need to review the status of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices (HKETOs) in the EU, the implications of the launch of the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) for Hong Kong dissidents in exile, and the increasing risks of doing business in Hong Kong.

We congratulate Engin Eroglu MEP on being elected as Chair of the Delegation for Relations with the People’s Republic of China of the European Parliament, and look forward to continuing to work with him and other allies in Brussels.

香港監察赴布魯塞爾為香港倡議 聯同歐港盟會見歐洲議會議員

上週,香港監察研究及政策顧問Megan Khoo到訪布魯塞爾,聯同歐洲香港人聯盟(The European Hong Kong Diaspora Alliance,簡稱「歐港盟」)會見歐洲對外事務部、歐洲人民黨黨團和歐洲議會議員,在歐盟為香港倡議。

Megan Khoo以歐港盟倡議委員會副主席的身分,與其他歐港盟代表一同會見歐洲議會議員Bernard Guetta MEP、Petras Auštrevičius MEP、Kosma Złotowski MEP、Engin Eroglu MEP,以及香港監察贊助人Miriam Lexmann MEP,討論跨國鎮壓香港社群、檢視在歐盟香港經濟貿易辦事處地位的必要性、推出歐洲旅行資訊及授權系統(ETIAS)對香港流亡異見人士的影響,以及香港營商風險不斷增加的情況。

香港監察恭喜歐洲議會議員Engin Eroglu MEP當選歐洲議會對華關係代表團主席,並期待繼續與他和其他歐盟盟友合作。

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