Hong Kong Watch appears on Foreign Interference Public Inquiry Consultation Panel

Today, Hong Kong Watch Canada appeared before the Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference in Federal Electoral Processes and Democratic Institutions on a Consultation Panel with Diaspora Community representatives. 

Katherine Leung, Hong Kong Watch Canada’s Policy Advisor gave remarks focusing on the need for a legislative response to transnational repression in Canada, highlighting the gaps in current laws that fail to adequately address the issue. One such gap that Ms Leung pointed to was that those required to register under the Foreign Influence Transparency and Accountability Act may not be the same individuals as those involved in perpetrating acts of repression on behalf of foreign states. She recommended the Government of Canada to adopt transnational repression legislation that provides a clear definition of transnational repression, imposes a deterrent, develops a clear response strategy, and trains government departments on how to recognise and effectively tackle incidents of transnational repression. 

Ms Leung described how members of the Hong Kong community in Canada do not feel supported or protected by law enforcement agencies following the reporting of cases of transnational repression. She recommended that law enforcement put in place a mechanism for officers to follow up on every reported case of transnational repression to foster trust and safety. 

The full hearing can be viewed here

This hearing follows Hong Kong Watch’s April 2024 publication, Safety of Hong Kongers in Canada: Transnational Repression and Foreign Interference. The briefing presented case studies of Hong Kongers facing transnational repression in Canada, followed by policy recommendations, which were reiterated in today’s hearing. 

Ms Leung said: 

“Addressing transnational repression closes off opportunities for foreign interference to take hold. When we confront transnational repression, we not only safeguard our sovereignty and national security, but also shield vulnerable communities – a basic right that these communities deserve, as it ensures their freedom to express political views, engage in civic activities, and live without fear of intimidation or coercion from foreign governments.”

香港監察出席外國干預調查聽證會 促加拿大政府立法應對跨國鎮壓

今天,加拿大香港監察出席「外國干預聯邦選舉過程和民主制度公開調查」(Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference in Federal Electoral Processes and Democratic Institutions)聽證會,以離散社群代表諮詢小組一員的身分作證。

香港監察加拿大政策顧問Katherine Leung重點指出加拿大立法回應跨國鎮壓的必要性,強調現行法律未能充分應對問題的缺陷。

Katherine Leung講述了加拿大港人社區成員在舉報跨國鎮壓個案後,不覺得受到執法機構支持或保護的情況。她建議執法機構建立機制,讓官員跟進每宗跨國鎮壓舉報個案,培養信任和安全。


2024年4月,香港監察發表《在加港人的安全:跨國鎮壓與外國干預》(Safety of Hong Kongers in Canada: Transnational Repression and Foreign Interference)簡報。簡報提供香港人在加拿大受到跨國鎮壓的個案研究,隨後提出政策建議,香港監察在今天的聽證會上重申有關建議。

Katherine Leung表示:


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