Special Committee on Canada–People’s Republic of China Relationship urged to reconsider suspension of regular meetings by 10 human rights organizations

Today, 10 human rights organizations in Canada have written to the Special Committee on Canada–People’s Republic of China Relationship to urge Members of Parliament to keep the Committee’s regular meetings in place. 

The letter follows reports that the Committee is considering suspending regular meetings

The letter notes the Committee’s unique role in addressing the complexities of the Canada–China relationship. Unlike individual standing committees, the Special Committee integrates a broad spectrum of issues, including trade, technology, foreign affairs, and public safety. This approach equips MPs to handle the strategic challenges posed by China more effectively, particularly as the bilateral relationship increasingly influences various sectors in Canadian society.

The letter also highlights that the Committee’s work is far from complete, with topics like Canada’s suspended participation in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, diplomatic visits to China, and the strategic implications of Taiwan Strait transits still requiring thorough examination. It also emphasizes the need to address ongoing human rights abuses, such as the repression in Tibet, the persecution of Uyghurs, the erosion of freedoms in Hong Kong, and the suppression of Falun Gong practitioners. 

The joint letter can be viewed here.

Katherine Leung, Hong Kong Watch’s Policy Advisor for Canada, said:

“The Canada–China Committee was created so that MPs can examine the relationship and related issues with expertise and focus. To suspend regular meetings is to lose focus – the Committee’s work is nowhere near done, and regular meetings are essential to ensure that parliamentarians have adequate opportunity to study the issues with the depth and seriousness they deserve.”







香港監察加拿大政策顧問Katherine Leung表示:
