Hong Kong Watch co-hosts ‘Meet Your MPs’ event with Alex Norris MP, James Naish MP, and Michael Payne MP in Nottingham

On Friday evening, Hong Kong Watch hosted a community forum at the University of Nottingham for BNO Hong Kongers to meet their local Members of Parliament. 

The forum, which was co-organised by local CIC HKNotts and Hong Kong Watch, saw a turnout of around 50 BNO Hong Kongers to meet with three Nottinghamshire MPs: Alex Norris, Labour (Co-op) MP for Nottingham North and Kimberley, James Naish, the new Labour MP for Rushcliffe, and Michael Payne, the new Labour MP for Gedling.

Nadia Whittome MP was scheduled to attend, but unfortunately could not make it – our special thanks to Michael Payne MP, who stepped in to replace her.

The event was moderated by Thomas Benson, Research and Policy Advisor at Hong Kong Watch, who led a wide-ranging discussion with the three MPs covering UK-China relations, the withholding of MPF retirement savings, expanding the BNO scheme to cover children born before the 1997 handover, and introducing Home Fees for BNOs. 

The panel discussion was followed by an audience Q&A, where participants raised questions about PRC funding in UK universities, getting involved in UK politics, and supporting employability for BNOs in the East Midlands. 

This event is part of Hong Kong Watch’s political and civic engagement series, which aims to encourage BNOs to participate in civic and democratic processes in the UK. 

Hong Kong Watch would like to thank Alex Norris MP, James Naish MP and Michael Payne MP for taking the time to join us and meet with BNO Hong Kongers in their constituencies.

We would also like to thank HKNotts for helping to organise, secure the venue, and providing Cantonese interpretation and Hong Kong drinks and snacks for our audience.

香港監察諾定咸社區論壇順利舉行 三位國會議員落區與BNO港人交流


論壇由當地港人團體HKNotts 諾思港和香港監察合辦,約有50名BNO港人參加,與三位諾定咸郡國會議員見面:代表Nottingham North and Kimberley選區的工黨與合作黨議員Alex Norris、代表Rushcliffe選區的新任工黨議員James Naish,以及代表Gedling選區的新任工黨議員Michael Payne。

Nadia Whittome議員原訂出席,可惜最後因事無法出席。我們特別感謝Michael Payne議員代為出席。

活動由香港監察研究及政策顧問Thomas Benson主持。他就多項議題與三位議員展開討論,內容涵蓋英中關係、港人被扣押強積金(MPF)退休儲蓄、拓展BNO計劃至1997年主權移交前出生的合資格港人,以及容許BNO港人享有本地生學費資格。

小組討論結束後設有觀眾問答環節,參加者問到中國向英國大學提供資助、參與英國政治,以及支援東密德蘭區(East Midlands)BNO港人就業。


香港監察謹此感謝國會議員Alex Norris、James Naish和Michael Payne抽空參與活動,落區與BNO港人見面。

我們亦要感謝HKNotts 諾思港協助籌劃活動、預訂場地,並為觀眾提供廣東話傳譯和香港飲品及小食。

NewsFrances BellBNO, bno, event, Event