Hong Kong Watch hosts pub discussion on UK political landscape and BNO voter rights

As part of Hong Kong Watch’s political and civic engagement series, we hosted an informal discussion on 22 August 2023 to discuss voter rights of BNOs and the environment ahead of next year’s General Election. The event, held under the casual setting of a pub, saw a full-house of over 60 participants engaging in the discussion.

The panel speakers consisted of political journalists Amy Hawkins and Yuan Yang, former Hong Kong Legislative Council member Lee Wing-Tat, and member of BNO Hong Konger organisation Artie Lam.

The hour-long panel discussion was chaired by Hong Kong Watch’s Chief Executive Benedict Rogers, and was followed by a Q&A session and pub social. The speakers shared insight on how BNOs can make more informed decisions when voting, and discussed the avenues to engage policymakers and other local groups ahead of the next election. They also acknowledged the fear some Hong Kongers may face when engaging in political activities and democratic processes, and encouraged them to make their voices heard through voting and collaborating with the local communities. The Q&A session touched on assessing priorities when considering electoral candidates, and the importance of strengthening relations with other diaspora groups in the UK.

This event was supported by the Greater London Authority (GLA) as part of Hong Kong Watch’s civic and political education programme, which aims to help the Hong Kong BNO community better understand the UK’s political system and the ways they can engage with civic and democratic processes. This is a strictly cross-party and impartial series.

Special thanks must be given to our panel speakers for their insightful contribution:

  • Yuan Yang, Europe-China correspondent at the Financial Times

  • Amy Hawkins, Senior China correspondent at the Guardian

  • Artie Lam, Oxfordshire Hongkongers CIC

  • Lee-Wing Tat, former Hong Kong Legislative Council member

香港監察研討會分析英國大選前政局 政治記者及港人社區成員落吧暢談BNO港人投票權


今次研討會邀得英國政治記者Amy Hawkins、Yuan Yang、前香港立法會議員李永達和BNO香港人組織成員Artie Lam擔任講者,與參加者暢談。討論歷時一小時,由香港監察行政總監羅傑斯主持,會後設有問答環節和聯誼聚會。





  • Yuan Yang (《金融時報》中歐經濟記者)

  • Amy Hawkins(《衛報》資深中國事務記者)

  • Artie Lam(Oxfordshire Hongkongers CIC)

  • 前香港立法會議員李永達