Hong Kong Watch joins over 60 other human rights organisations, bar associations, scholars and activists in a joint statement on China’s crackdown on lawyers
Hong Kong Watch has joined over 60 other human rights organisations, bar associations, scholars and Chinese human rights activists in a joint statement issued today to highlight China’s crackdown on lawyers.
Marking the 8 th anniversary of the crackdown that began on 9 July 2015 in China – known as the “709” crackdown – which led to the roundup of over 300 lawyers and legal assistants in China, the joint statement also highlights recent cases in China and the increasing repression of lawyers in Hong Kong.
The statement expresses concern that “the Hong Kong authorities are following a similar path” to mainland China since the imposition of the National Security Law. “Prominent lawyers Chow Hang-tung, Albert Ho and Margaret Ng are currently awaiting trial on a range of national security crimes, for their human rights work. UN experts have recently called for Chow Hang-tung’s release,” the statement notes.
The full statement can be read here in English and Chinese.
逾60個人權組織、律師公會、學者、維權人士發表聯合聲明 呼籲全球關注中國新一輪鎮壓人權律師行動
Credit: Badiucao.