Hong Kong Watch co-organises one-day policy conference in Berlin

Today, alongside the Institute of European Democrats and Freiheit für Hongkong e.V., Hong Kong Watch organised a one-day policy conference in Berlin on “Canary in the Coal Mine: Hong Kong and Taiwan’s Significance for Germany’s China Strategy.”

The conference consisted of two policy sessions focused on “Germany’s new China Strategy: How do we stand by our principles?” and “What are Hong Kong and Taiwan’s significance for the EU and the International Order?”

Speakers included: Sam Goodman, Director of Policy and Advocacy at Hong Kong Watch, Mikel Burzako, CEO of the Institute of European Democrats, Engin Eroglu MEP, Ray Wong, Chair of Freiheit für Hongkong e.V., Noah Barkin, Senior Fellow in the Indo-Pacific Program of the German Marshall Fund, Ulrich Lechte MdB, Foreign Affairs spokesperson of the FDP Parliamentary Group in the Bundestag, Boris Mijatović MdB, Spokesperson for human rights policy and humanitarian assistance of the Green parliamentary group, Prof. Dr. Shieh Jhy-wey, Representative of Taiwan in Germany, Prof. Amy Siu, General Secretary of Freiheit für Hongkong e.V., and Didi Kirsten Tatlow, an investigative journalist at Newsweek.

The conference can be watched here.

Commenting on the conference, Sam Goodman, Hong Kong Watch’s Director of Policy and Advocacy, said:

“Today’s conference organised alongside our friends at Freiheit für Hongkong e.V. and with the support of the Institute of European Democrats was a clear signal that the human rights situation in Hong Kong and its implications for Germany’s China strategy and international support for Taiwan remains at the forefront of German policymakers’ minds.

A clear message coming out of this well-attended conference is that German and European policymakers must continue to pay close attention to national security trials in Hong Kong and be ready to act when it comes to responding to the unjust sentencing of political prisoners in Hong Kong.”

柏林會議圓滿結束 探討香港與台灣對德國對華策略的重要意義

香港監察今日聯同智庫歐洲民主黨研究所(Institute of European Democrats)和德國非政府組織Freiheit für Hongkong e.V.在柏林舉辦為期一日的政策會議,主題為「礦坑中的金絲雀:香港與台灣對德國對華策略的重要意義」。


講者包括:香港監察政策及倡議總監Sam Goodman、歐洲民主黨研究所行政總裁Mikel Burzako、歐洲議會議員Engin Eroglu、Freiheit für Hongkong e.V.主席黃台仰(Ray Wong)、德國馬歇爾基金會(German Marshall Fund)印太計劃資深研究員Noah Barkin、德國聯邦議院議員兼自民黨議會小組外交事務發言人Ulrich Lechte、德國聯邦議院議員兼綠黨​​議會小組人權政策及人道援助發言人Boris Mijatović、台灣駐德代表謝志偉(Jhy-wey Shieh)、Freiheit für Hongkong e.V.秘書長Amy Siu和《新聞週刊》(Newsweek)調查記者Didi Kirsten Tatlow。


就今次會議,香港監察政策及倡議總監Sam Goodman表示:

「今天的會議在歐洲民主黨研究所的支持下與Freiheit für Hongkong e.V.的朋友合辦,清楚顯示香港人權狀況及其對德國對華策略和國際社會對台支持的潛在影響,仍然是德國政策制訂者非常關注的議題。


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