Hong Kong Watch mourns and pays tribute to our Patron David Kilgour
Today, Hong Kong Watch mourns the death of our International Patron, Canadian politician and human rights champion David Kilgour.
After a distinguished career as a lawyer and politician, David Kilgour served as a Member of Parliament for 27 years. Among the many positions he held, he served as Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific, and Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons. But most significantly, David Kilgour will be remembered for his tireless human rights campaigns for the persecuted and oppressed around the world.
Reflecting on his life and example, Hong Kong Watch’s co-founder and Chief Executive Benedict Rogers said:
“In David Kilgour, no human rights defender, no refugee, no person fleeing or challenging persecution could ever have found a more steadfast, passionate, energetic, compassionate, enthusiastic or wise friend. Losing David, so suddenly, deprives the whole worldwide movement for human rights of one of our most extraordinary champions. He inspired, encouraged, enthused and advised so many, and for me personally, he was a constant source of advice, wisdom and support.
David Kilgour chaired a webinar with Canadian Senators and Hong Kong Student Leaders in June 2020.
While I and my team had the privilege of working with David on Hong Kong, and I also collaborated with him on issues of forced organ harvesting in China, the genocide of Uyghurs and atrocities in Tibet, as well as the crises in Myanmar and North Korea, on all of which he was a leader and an ally for me, I know that we shared David with so many other causes around the world.
The thought that I cannot email or phone David Kilgour is heartbreaking.
But the idea that his vision might inspire many to continue his vision is an inspiration.
And of course at this time of deep loss, it is his family and loved ones who feel his loss most acutely, and to whom we all send our love and profound condolences.
In 2018, we lost another of our Patrons, Paddy Ashdown. David Kilgour stands alongside Paddy as one of the true heroes of our time. I believe the two of them now stand together looking over us. It is up to the rest of us to follow their example, continue their work and complete their legacy. The best tribute to David is for the rest of us to keep fighting for freedom, human rights, democracy, peace and justice – which he would want to do, and which we pledge to do.”
香港監察深切哀悼贊助人 Hon. David Kilgour JD 並致以崇高敬意
香港監察對我們的國際贊助人、加拿大政治家及人權鬥士Hon. David Kilgour JD離世深表哀悼。
在建立了成功的律師及政治家事業後,David Kilgour 曾任職拿大國會議員 27年,先後擔任前主管亞太事務國務部長、國會下議院副議長等職位。David Kilgour 為在世界各地努力不懈地為受打壓及迫害人士爭取應有人權,他將會因此被世人銘記。
對於 David Kilgour 的貢獻和樹立的典範,香港監察創辦人及行政總監羅傑斯表示︰
「對於人權倡議者、難民、逃離迫害及反抗極權的人來說,David Kilgour 是一個堅定、充滿熱情、活力、同情心,及睿智的好朋友。David Kilgour 突然離世,全球人權運動痛失了這位傑出的人權鬥士。他曾經啟發、鼓勵及指導了很多人,亦經常給我予建議、智慧及支持。
我和香港監察團隊很榮幸曾與 David Kilgour就香港事務合作,而我亦曾經與他就中共強摘器官及對維吾爾人實施種族滅絕,以及緬甸和北韓危機等議題共事。他是我的領袖及盟友。我亦知道在很多世界事務上都能找到 David Kilgour 的影子。
我對於未能再與 David Kilgour 共事感到痛心。
我知道 David Kilgour 對世界的貢獻和典範將會啟發很多人實現其願景。
在2018年,我們失去了另一位贊助人Paddy Ashdown。David Kilgour與Paddy Ashdown都是這個時代的真正英雄,我相信他們會繼續守望我們。我們應該跟從他們的典範,承傳他們的工作及完成他們的宏願。向David Kilgour表達敬意的最好方法,是繼續爭取自由、人權、民主、和平和公義 - 這是David Kilgour想做的事,也是我們承諾會做的事。」