Hong Kong Watch receives Democracy Courage Tribute award from World Movement for Democracy

Hong Kong Watch is deeply honoured to have been awarded the Democracy Courage Tribute by the World Movement for Democracy, presented today at the 10th World Movement for Democracy’s Global Assembly.

According to the World Movement for Democracy, the Democracy Courage Tributes “give special recognition to the extraordinary efforts of groups and movements working under particularly difficult circumstances. Together, we remind one another that we are not alone in our struggles.”

Hong Kong Watch is delighted to share the award with Students for a Free Tibet and the Campaign for Uyghurs. Hong Kong Watch’s Policy Advisor in Washington, DC, Joey Siu, delivered an acceptance speech on behalf of Hong Kong Watch, and a video outlining the work of Hong Kong Watch, Students for a Free Tibet and the Campaign for Uyghurs was shown.

Benedict Rogers, co-founder and Chief Executive of Hong Kong Watch, said: “We are humbled and deeply honoured to receive this prestigious award. It is a recognition both of the extraordinary work of our entire team in advocating for protection of human rights for the people of Hong Kong, and of the severity of the situation in Hong Kong and the remarkable courage of Hong Kongers. We receive this award not for ourselves but on behalf of the entire movement for Hong Kong’s freedoms, democracy and human rights, and we are very privileged and grateful for this honour, which encourages and motivates us to redouble our efforts and continue the fight.”

Chinese Translation

香港監察獲美國世界民主運動頒發Democracy Courage Tribute

美國世界民主運動(World Movement for Democracy)每年皆會於年度世界民主會議中向優秀的人權組織或民主運動頒發Democracy Courage Tribute,以表彰各個組織於困境之中的非凡貢獻。

今年,香港監察很榮幸與維吾爾運動(Campaign for Uyghurs)以及自由西藏學生運動(Students for a Free Tibet)共同獲得美國世界民主運動於第十屆世界民主會議頒發是項獎項。

香港監察駐美國華盛頓政策顧問邵嵐於頒獎禮中代表香港監察致詞並接受獎項,香港監察總監羅傑斯表示:「香港監察對於獲頒是項重要的獎項深感榮幸。這不單是對於香港監察在倡導人權工作方面的認可,更加是對不屈不撓的香港人的認可 —— 這個獎項不只屬於香港監察,更屬於整個香港民主運動。我們深感榮幸,亦感激香港人一直以來的支持,我們將加倍努力、繼續戰鬥。」

NewsHong Kong Watch