Hong Kong Watch calls for the release of 36 pro-democracy activists being held in custody ahead of national security trials

Ahead of today’s hearing for the 47 pro-democracy activists who have been charged with “subversion” under the National Security Law, Hong Kong Watch is calling for the immediate release of those who have been denied bail.

Since coming into force on 1 July 2020, 107 individuals have been arrested under the draconian National Security Law. 53 of those arrests related to the organisation and participation of pro-democracy activists in last year’s democratic primaries.

 At the time of their arrest, John Lee, Hong Kong’s Security Minister said that those arrested (and later charged) under the National Security Law were suspected of trying to paralyze the government, via their plans to gain a majority of the seats in the legislature to create a situation in which the Chief Executive had to resign and the government would stop functioning.

 The subsequent bail proceedings of the 47 under the National Security Law, which in some instances went on so long that defendants collapsed and needed medical treatment, have been roundly criticised including by Hong Kong judges.

 Correspondence from consulates of foreign governments and whatsapp messages with foreign journalists have been used spuriously as grounds to deny 36 of the pro-democracy activists’ bail. We urge the Hong Kong Government to release the 36 pro-democracy activists currently in custody on bail immediately. Their ongoing detention amounts to arbitrary detention. It is inhumane and a grave violation of fundamental human rights norms.