LISTEN: Benedict Rogers' Interview on LBC: 5 Things the UK Should Do for Hong Kong

Benedict Rogers, Chairman and Co-founder of Hong Kong Watch, gave an interview on LBC today updating on the situation in Hong Kong as Hong Kong Police Force fired teargas and water cannons at protestors today rallying against the proposed implementation of national security law by the Chinese authority.

On the national security law, Ben said that this signifies the death of One-Country, Two-Systems and it will decimate Hong Kong’s freedoms and its way of life.

Ben continued to say that there are 5 things that the UK should do for Hong Kong:

1) As a co-signatory of the Sino-British Joint Declaration, the UK should seek legal redress at the International Criminal Court of Justice for the breach of the Joint Declaration by China;

2) The UK should impose Magnitsky-style targeted sanctions on Chinese and Hong Kong officials responsible for violating freedoms and human rights in Hong Kong;

3) The UK should help Hongkongers in great need of sanctuary, especially those who hold British National (Overseas) passports;

4) The UK should look at this as a potential humanitarian crisis if protestors continue to be repressed by the police with brutality. The UK should send monitors on the ground to record and report any violation of humanitarian principles;

5) Most significantly, it’s time for the UK to lead the establishment of an international contact group to coordinate international policy amongst like-minded allies to speak out for Hong Kong with one voice.

Listen to the full interview below:

Photo: Studio Incendo