International activists support #save12HKyouths social media campaign

Activists, artists and political figures have joined together to raise awareness about the case of 12 young Hong Kongers detained in Shenzhen.

The #save12HKyouths social media campaign, launched by Benedict Rogers of Hong Kong Watch and student activist Joey Siu, has seen participation from leading figures including prominent activists in exile Nathan Law and Ray Wong, the artist Badiucao, the UK radio host Maajid Nawaz, prominent HK activist Joshua Wong, climate and environmental activist Greta Thunberg, Hong Kong Watch’s Patrons Lord Alton and Alistair Carmichael,

People from more than 8 countries have shown solidarity including Denmark, Italy, Germany, Sweden, France, the UK, US and Hong Kong. The World Uyghur Congress tweeted in solidarity. 

For more on the background to the campaign see:

Ben Rogers save12.png
Nathan Law save12.png
Joshua Wong save12.png
Lord Alton save12.png
Greta Thunberg save12.png
Alistair Carmichael save12.png