Hong Kong Watch connects BNOs with local community services at Mid-Autumn festive fair in Sutton

On Saturday, Hong Kong Watch co-hosted a community fair in Sutton with Sutton Hongkongers for BNOs to meet with local community groups, learn about available services and volunteering opportunities, and celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with traditional festive refreshments.

The well-attended fair welcomed around 250 Hong Kongers and local residents. We were joined by representatives from local services and non-profit groups, including Volunteer Centre Sutton, UK Welcome Refugees, Wandsworth Lifelong Learning and Sutton Mental Health Foundation.

Representatives from each organisation gave a brief overview of their work and services, and had the chance to meet and speak with Hong Kongers individually. Participants also enjoyed festive snacks such as mooncakes, traditional walnut cookies, Hong Kong-style milk tea and lemon tea.

We would like to thank all representatives from local services and non-profit groups and attendees for participating in this event.

This event is part of Hong Kong Watch’s civic and political engagement series, which aims to encourage community building and provide resources for BNOs to participate in civic spaces. This event is supported by the GLA’s Hong Kong Welcome Hub Empowerment Fund, and is part of a strictly cross-party and impartial series.

250人聚首薩頓同慶中秋 香港監察連結BNO港人與社區

剛過去的星期六,香港監察與Sutton Hongkongers在薩頓合辦中秋同樂日 ,讓BNO港人與當地社區團體交流,認識本地服務和義工機會,同時享用傳統應節小食,共慶中秋佳節。

活動參加者眾,招待了約250名香港人和當地居民。不同本地服務和非牟利團體的代表到場擺設攤位,包括Volunteer Centre Sutton、UK Welcome Refugees、Wandsworth Lifelong Learning和Sutton Mental Health Foundation。



今次活動是香港監察公民及政治參與系列的一部分,計劃旨在促進社區連繫,並向BNO社群提供資源,鼓勵參與公民活動。活動由大倫敦政府Hong Kong Welcome Hub Empowerment Fund贊助,所屬系列完全跨黨派和中立。

NewsFrances BellBNO, bno, event, Event, Diaspora