Hong Kong Watch hosts BNO hustings event with parliamentary candidates in Sutton

On Saturday, Hong Kong Watch hosted a hustings event in Sutton to encourage BNO Hong Kongers to meet with their local candidates and learn about the different political parties leading up to the General Election. The event was co-organised in partnership with local community groups Sutton Hongkongers and Vote for Hong Kong.

Over 70 BNO Hong Kongers and journalists heard from Bobby Dean, Liberal Democrat candidate for Carshalton and Wallington, Hersh Thaker, Labour candidate for Carshalton and Wallington, Luke Taylor, Liberal Democrat candidate for Sutton and Cheam, and Tom Drummond, Conservative candidate for Sutton and Cheam.

The session began with a brief introduction to the three main political parties by the representing candidates. The event was moderated by Thomas Benson, Research and Policy Advisor at Hong Kong Watch, who invited candidates to share their views on China and BNO policies, cost of living, crime, and employment.

During the audience Q&A, Hong Kongers raised questions about Home Fee status for BNOs, e-gates at customs, trust in politics, and the future of the proposed Sutton Link tramline.

This event is part of Hong Kong Watch’s political and civic engagement series, which aims to encourage and provide resources for BNOs to participate in civic and democratic processes in the UK. This is a cross-party and impartial series.

Hong Kong Watch estimates up to 140,000 first time BNO voters with the potential to influence the outcome of seats. With the growing Hong Konger community, the votes of BNOs across the UK will have a significant impact on the election results.

We would like to thank the four candidates, Bobby Dean, Hersh Thaker, Luke Taylor, and Tom Drummond, for taking the time to join us and listen to BNO Hong Kongers’ concerns.

Other candidates for Sutton and Cheam include: Aasha Anam (Green), Hamilton Action-Man Kingsley (Independent), Ryan Powell (Reform UK), and Chrishni Reshekaron (Labour).

Other candidates for Carshalton and Wallington include: Elliot Colburn (Conservative), Elizabeth Cooper (Reform UK), Ashley Dickenson (Christian Peoples Alliance), Tracey Hague (Green), Steve Kelleher (Social Democratic Party) and Atif Abdul Rashid (Workers Party of Britain).

香港監察舉辦英國大選選前論壇 鼓勵BNO了解政黨理念及對BNO議題取態

英國大選臨近,香港監察週六在薩頓舉辦選舉論壇,鼓勵BNO港人與該區候選人會面,並了解英國各個政黨的立場。今次活動與Sutton Hongkongers和Vote for Hong Kong合辦。

活動有超過70名BNO港人和記者出席,參與論壇的候選人包括:卡蘇頓和窩寧頓(Carshalton and Wallington)選區的自由民主黨候選人Bobby Dean和工黨候選人Hersh Thaker,以及薩頓和奇姆(Sutton and Cheam)選區的自由民主黨候選人Luke Taylor和保守黨候選人Tom Drummond。

論壇開始時,候選人分別介紹三個政黨。活動由香港監察研究及政策顧問Thomas Benson主持,並就對華及BNO政策、生活成本、罪案和就業等議題向候選人提問。

在觀眾問答環節中,參加者問到BNO本地生學費資格、使用電子護照通關閘門(e-gates)出入境、政治信任,以及擬建電車線Sutton Link的未來。



香港監察非常感謝四位候選人Bobby Dean、Hersh Thaker、Luke Taylor和Tom Drummond抽空出席活動並傾聽BNO港人的憂慮。

Sutton and Cheam選區其他候選人包括綠黨Aasha Anam、獨立候選人Hamilton Action-Man Kingsley、英國改革黨Ryan Powell及工黨Chrishni Reshekaron。

Carshalton and Wallington選區其他候選人包括保守黨Elliot Colburn、英國改革黨Elizabeth Cooper、基督教人民聯盟Ashley Dickenson、綠黨Tracey Hague、社會民主黨Steve Kelleher及不列顛工人黨Atif Abdul Rashid。