Hong Kong Watch Canada works to ensure priority processing remains in place for Hong Kong Pathway applicants

Hong Kong Watch Canada is working to ensure priority processing remains in place for Hong Kongers applying for permanent residency (PR) under Stream A and Stream B of the Hong Kong Pathway. We started addressing the issue after hearing about many cases of delay in processing PR applications, some of which involved emergencies.

In February, Aileen Calverley, co-founder and Trustee of Hong Kong Watch, met with Jean Yip MP (Liberal), a member of the Special Committee on the Canada–People’s Republic of China Relationship, Melissa Lantsman MP, Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, and Tom Kmiec MP, Shadow Minister for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, respectively to raise the issue. Following the meetings, MP Lantsman and MP Kmiec wrote a joint letter to Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Marc Miller MP to inquire whether priority processing remains in place.

On 21 February, Hong Kong Watch Canada hosted an online discussion on priority processing to hear directly from those affected. Nearly 100 Hong Kongers, including members of the Hong Kong Young Professionals Association, attended the session to share their personal experiences.

We will continue to meet with members of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration over the coming weeks and months to discuss the problem and seek solutions. We will also have meetings with senior officials from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) in Ottawa, including staffers of the Hong Kong Pathway team at IRCC, to press the Government for action to resolve the issue.

加拿大香港監察致力確保「香港救生艇 Hong Kong Pathway」Stream A、Stream B永居申請人繼續享有特快處理服務 將會見副移民部長等移民部高層

加拿大香港監察正致力確保為循「香港救生艇 Hong Kong Pathway」Stream A、Stream B申請永久居留港人而設的特快處理(priority processing)措施行之有效。聽到許多永居申請處理延誤個案(部分涉及緊急情況)後,我們着手應對這個問題。

今年2月,香港監察共同創辦人兼信託人Aileen Calverley分別會晤加拿大國會加中關係特別委員會委員、自由黨國會議員Jean Yip MP、保守黨副黨魁Melissa Lantsman MP和影子移民部長Tom Kmiec MP,提出上述問題。MP Lantsman和MP Kmiec在會後聯署致函移民部長Marc Miller MP,要求澄清特快處理措施是否仍然運作。

2月21日,加拿大香港監察就特快處理措施舉辦網上討論會,直接聆聽受影響者的聲音。近百名香港人出席會議,分享個人經驗,當中包括加拿大港人組織香港青年專業人士協會(Hong Kong Young Professionals Association)會員。

未來數月,我們將繼續會見加拿大國會公民及移民常務委員會委員,與他們討論問題並尋求解決方案。此外,我們將與副移民部長及「香港救生艇 Hong Kong Pathway」專責團隊職員等渥太華移民部高層會面,敦促政府採取行動解決問題。