Hong Kong Watch holds art exhibition and charity auction in London

On 24 June, Hong Kong Watch held its first-ever art exhibition and auction, which featured over 20 art pieces and exhibits by 17 Hong Kong artists and collectors, in London. The event welcomed over 30 participants in person, with more actively participating in the online silent auction that had been ongoing since April.

A panel discussion, hosted by Hong Kong Watch’s co-founder and Chief Executive Benedict Rogers, welcomed four Hong Kong artists who participated in the exhibition: Lumli Lumlong, Justin Wong and Mei Yuk Wong. They introduced their artwork and explained the inspirations, creative processes and messages behind them.

We were also joined by Hackney Sunday Cafe who provided freshly brewed Hong Kong milk tea, attracting the attention of many participants who relished this nostalgic flavour from home.

The event also included a booking signing session for Ben’s new book The China Nexus, where he engaged in discussions with participants and artists on the human rights situation in Hong Kong and China.

The event concluded with an open auction of two paintings by artists Lumli Lumlong – Egg Tartnnia and Egg Tart Movement – which attracted attentive bids from the audience. 

We extend our special thanks to the following artists and collectors who donated their work and participated in this exhibition: 

Ah To 阿塗

Brother Wo Li

Clara Cheung

Hiu Tong Yeung


Justin Wong


Kacey Wong

Loretta Lau

Lumli Lumlong 淋漓淋浪


Mei Yuk Wong

Ricker Choi

Yee Man Cheng (Gum)

Other anonymous artists and collectors

香港監察藝術展覽及慈善拍賣會圓滿結束 藝術家盼以藝術為香港發聲


由香港監察共同創辦人兼行政總監羅傑斯 Benedict Rogers主持的討論環節邀請到四位參展的香港藝術家:淋漓淋浪、黃照達和黃美玉。他們分別介紹了自己的作品,並解釋了他們的創作靈感、創作過程和作品寓意。

活動當日還邀請到Hackney Sunday Cafe即場炮製港式奶茶,吸引一眾參加者品嚐,細味香港的懷舊味道。

羅傑斯在活動中為新書《The China Nexus》舉行簽名會,並與一眾藝術家和參加者討論香港和中國的人權狀況。



Ah To 阿塗

Brother Wo Li

Clara Cheung

Hiu Tong Yeung


Justin Wong


Kacey Wong

Loretta Lau

Lumli Lumlong 淋漓淋浪


Mei Yuk Wong

Ricker Choi

Yee Man Cheng (Gum)
