Hong Kong Watch launches report on Hong Kong’s freedom of religion or belief in Brussels

On 7 November, Hong Kong Watch launched a new report on Hong Kong’s declining religious freedom in the European Parliament in Brussels. The launch event was chaired by former Foreign Minister of Poland Anna Fotyga MEP and organised by Hong Kong Watch’s Patron Miriam Lexmann MEP. The panel, including Hong Kong Watch’s Chief Executive Benedict Rogers and Pastor Roy Chan of Good Neighbour Church England, discussed the threats to Hong Kong’s freedom of religion or belief.

The report, titled Sell Out My Soul: The Impending Threats to Freedom of Religion or Belief in Hong Kong, provides an in-depth analysis of the growing challenges to freedom of religion or belief, as defined by Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in Hong Kong. This includes the impact of the draconian National Security Law on religious believers, self-censorship in sermons and other religious activities, threats to faith-based schools in the education sector, and Beijing’s campaign of ‘Sinicization’ of religion. The report serves as an early warning signal and calls on the international community to closely monitor developments in regard to freedom of religion or belief in Hong Kong.

The full report can be read here.

This project is funded by a grant from the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy (TFD).


11月7日,香港監察在布魯塞爾歐洲議會發布關於香港宗教自由衰退的新報告。發布會由波蘭前外交部長、歐洲議會議員Anna Fotyga MEP主持,香港監察贊助人、歐洲議會議員Miriam Lexmann MEP籌劃。香港監察行政總監羅傑斯(Benedict Rogers)和英倫好鄰舍教會陳凱興(Roy Chan)傳道在會上發言,討論香港宗教或信仰自由所面臨的威脅。

報告以《出賣我靈:香港宗教或信仰自由即將面臨的威脅》(Sell Out My Soul: The Impending Threats to Freedom of Religion or Belief in Hong Kong)為題,深入分析了香港宗教或信仰自由(根據《世界人權宣言》第18條所定義)所面臨日趨嚴峻的挑戰。這包括苛法《國安法》對宗教信徒的影響、講道及其他宗教活動的自我審查現象、對教育界信仰學校的威脅和北京推動宗教「中國化」的情況。報告向國際社會發出預先警告,呼籲密切關注香港宗教或信仰自由的發展。


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