Closing arguments begin in trial of 47 Democrats

On 29 November, the closing arguments in the landmark trial of the 47 Democrats began. The long-anticipated trial opened on Monday 6 February 2023 and concerns the 47 democrats who organised or participated in “unofficial” primaries in July 2020. As a result of these primaries, 55 people were arrested in January 2021, in the largest crackdown since the National Security Law (NSL) was passed. 

Of these, 47 have been accused of “conspiracy to commit subversion” and are now facing trial. The majority of defendants have been in detention for 2 years, as only 13 have been granted bail. 31 of the defendants have pleaded guilty. 

This is the largest national security trial to date and one of the most significant trials since the NSL was passed in 2020. Although the trial is not yet finished, it will set a precedent for a broad interpretation of the NSL and cement its impact on civil society in Hong Kong. 

The defendants participating in the closing arguments include Benny Tai, Joshua Wong, Gwyneth Ho, Winnie Yu, and Gordon Ng. A full list and biographies of the 47 is available on the Hong Kong Watch Political Prisoners Database

The United Nations has repeatedly called for the repeal and suspension of the National Security Law, including at the review of Hong Kong’s ICCPR obligations, where the UN Human Rights Committee was “deeply concerned about the overly broad interpretation” of the National Security Law and recommended that the HKSAR repeal the law and refrain from applying it in the meantime; at the CESCR review which concluded that the National Security Law “has de facto abolished the independence of the judiciary” and raised concerns about independence of the judiciary, the right to fair trial, academic freedom and artistic freedom; and at the CEDAW review which raised concerns about “over-prioritizing public order and security concerns when considering restrictions on democratic manifestations” which violate women’s rights.

Benedict Rogers, co-founder and Chief Executive of Hong Kong Watch, said:

“This week marks the beginning of the end for the trial of the Hong Kong 47. This case that was supposed to last for four months and has now lasted for ten months, with hand-picked judges by Chief Executive John Lee, is the greatest example of the Chinese Communist Party’s ongoing destruction of judicial independence in Hong Kong. China once promised, and has failed to deliver, basic rights and freedoms to the people of Hong Kong under international law. 

We will closely monitor this final phase of the trial of the Hong Kong 47 while continuing to press the UK, EU, US and Canadian governments to call out Hong Kong officials for persecuting Hong Kong’s leading pro-democracy activists, journalists and politicians. The international community should also place pressure on foreign judges who continue to sit on, and thus endorse, Hong Kong’s sham courts.”

47人案開始結案陳詞 香港監察促各國政府譴責港府迫害港人 籲國際社會向留任外籍法官施壓





香港監察共同創辦人兼行政總監羅傑斯(Benedict Rogers)表示:

