BNO visa expands to young adults from Hong Kong

Today, the UK government expanded access to the BNO visa to young adults from Hong Kong.

Those born after June 1997, with at least one British National (Overseas) status parent and over the age of 18 can now apply for the visa independently which allows Hong Kongers to live, work and study in the UK.

It comes after a hard-fought campaign in both Houses of Parliament.

Benedict Rogers, Chief Executive of Hong Kong Watch said: “We are delighted that the BNO visa has been expanded to allow many thousands of young adults the chance to escape the crushing of freedoms in Hong Kong.

“Many of these young people were out on the streets in 2019, peacefully protesting for their freedoms, which have been crushed.

“The UK government has rightly expanded the BNO visa to cover these people who stood up for the values we believe in: freedom, rule of law, and mutual respect.”

A Hong Kong Watch report launched last year found that 93% of the defendants who had faced charges related to the anti-extradition law protests of 2019–20 were born in or after 1997.

When the BNO visa was initially opened at the end of January 2021, adult children who did not have BNO status could only get the BNO visa if they applied together with a BNO-status parent and formed part of the same household.

This change means that these young adults can apply for the BNO visa and travel to the UK independently of their parents.

After five years on the BNO visa, Hong Kongers can apply for settlement in the UK, and citizenship after an additional year.

Mr Rogers added: “We welcome the government’s decision, and we welcome all these young adults who can now begin to rebuild their lives in the UK.

“We will also keep fighting for those who still do not have a route out of Hong Kong.”

The application process for the visa is the same, with the UK government pages updated to reflect this change.

Hong Kong Watch produced a Q&A document earlier in November with answers to some of the most-common questions we have received on the BNO visa extension.

NewsHarri ThomasHong Kong, BNO